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BU of 3nv9 by Molmil
Crystal structure of Entamoeba histolytica Malic Enzyme
Descriptor: ACETATE ION, GLYCEROL, Malic enzyme, ...
Authors:Dutta, D, Chakrabarty, A, Ghosh, S.K, Das, A.K.
Deposit date:2010-07-08
Release date:2011-07-20
Last modified:2024-03-20
Cite:Structural and functional characterization of Entamoeba histolytica Malic enzyme
To be Published
BU of 6pny by Molmil
X-ray Structure of Flpp3
Descriptor: Flpp3
Authors:Zook, J.D, Shekhar, M, Hansen, D.T, Conrad, C, Grant, T.D, Gupta, C, White, T, Barty, A, Basu, S, Zhao, Y, Zatsepin, N.A, Ishchenko, A, Batyuk, A, Gati, C, Li, C, Galli, L, Coe, J, Hunter, M, Liang, M, Weierstall, U, Nelson, G, James, D, Stauch, B, Craciunescu, F, Thifault, D, Liu, W, Cherezov, V, Singharoy, A, Fromme, P.
Deposit date:2019-07-03
Release date:2020-02-26
Last modified:2023-10-11
Cite:XFEL and NMR Structures of Francisella Lipoprotein Reveal Conformational Space of Drug Target against Tularemia.
Structure, 28, 2020
BU of 3pcq by Molmil
Femtosecond X-ray protein Nanocrystallography
Authors:Chapman, H.N, Fromme, P, Barty, A, White, T.A, Kirian, R.A, Aquila, A, Hunter, M.S, Schulz, J, Deponte, D.P, Weierstall, U, Doak, R.B, Maia, F.R.N.C, Martin, A.V, Schlichting, I, Lomb, L, Coppola, N, Shoeman, R.L, Epp, S.W, Hartmann, R, Rolles, D, Rudenko, A, Foucar, L, Kimmel, N, Weidenspointner, G, Holl, P, Liang, M, Barthelmess, M, Caleman, C, Boutet, S, Bogan, M.J, Krzywinski, J, Bostedt, C, Bajt, S, Gumprecht, L, Rudek, B, Erk, B, Schmidt, C, Homke, A, Reich, C, Pietschner, D, Struder, L, Hauser, G, Gorke, H, Ullrich, J, Herrmann, S, Schaller, G, Schopper, F, Soltau, H, Kuhnel, K.-U, Messerschmidt, M, Bozek, J.D, Hau-Riege, S.P, Frank, M, Hampton, C.Y, Sierra, R, Starodub, D, Williams, G.J, Hajdu, J, Timneanu, N, Seibert, M.M, Andreasson, J, Rocker, A, Jonsson, O, Svenda, M, Stern, S, Nass, K, Andritschke, R, Schroter, C.-D, Krasniqi, F, Bott, M, Schmidt, K.E, Wang, X, Grotjohann, I, Holton, J.M, Barends, T.R.M, Neutze, R, Marchesini, S, Fromme, R, Schorb, S, Rupp, D, Adolph, M, Gorkhover, T, Andersson, I, Hirsemann, H, Potdevin, G, Graafsma, H, Nilsson, B, Spence, J.C.H.
Deposit date:2010-10-21
Release date:2011-02-02
Last modified:2023-09-06
Method:X-RAY DIFFRACTION (8.984 Å)
Cite:Femtosecond X-ray protein nanocrystallography.
Nature, 470, 2011
BU of 4hwy by Molmil
Trypanosoma brucei procathepsin B solved from 40 fs free-electron laser pulse data by serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography
Descriptor: 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose, Cysteine peptidase C (CPC), beta-D-mannopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose
Authors:Redecke, L, Nass, K, DePonte, D.P, White, T.A, Rehders, D, Barty, A, Stellato, F, Liang, M, Barends, T.R.M, Boutet, S, Williams, G.W, Messerschmidt, M, Seibert, M.M, Aquila, A, Arnlund, D, Bajt, S, Barth, T, Bogan, M.J, Caleman, C, Chao, T.-C, Doak, R.B, Fleckenstein, H, Frank, M, Fromme, R, Galli, L, Grotjohann, I, Hunter, M.S, Johansson, L.C, Kassemeyer, S, Katona, G, Kirian, R.A, Koopmann, R, Kupitz, C, Lomb, L, Martin, A.V, Mogk, S, Neutze, R, Shoemann, R.L, Steinbrener, J, Timneanu, N, Wang, D, Weierstall, U, Zatsepin, N.A, Spence, J.C.H, Fromme, P, Schlichting, I, Duszenko, M, Betzel, C, Chapman, H.
Deposit date:2012-11-09
Release date:2012-12-05
Last modified:2023-09-20
Cite:Natively inhibited Trypanosoma brucei cathepsin B structure determined by using an X-ray laser.
Science, 339, 2013
BU of 4ac5 by Molmil
Lipidic sponge phase crystal structure of the Bl. viridis reaction centre solved using serial femtosecond crystallography
Descriptor: 15-cis-1,2-dihydroneurosporene, BACTERIOCHLOROPHYLL B, BACTERIOPHEOPHYTIN B, ...
Authors:Johansson, L.C, Arnlund, D, White, T.A, Katona, G, DePonte, D.P, Weierstall, U, Doak, R.B, Shoeman, R.L, Lomb, L, Malmerberg, E, Davidsson, J, Nass, K, Liang, M, Andreasson, J, Aquila, A, Bajt, S, Barthelmess, M, Barty, A, Bogan, M.J, Bostedt, C, Bozek, J.D, Caleman, C, Coffee, R, Coppola, N, Ekeberg, T, Epp, S.W, Erk, B, Fleckenstein, H, Foucar, L, Graafsma, H, Gumprecht, L, Hajdu, J, Hampton, C.Y, Hartmann, R, Hartmann, A, Hauser, G, Hirsemann, H, Holl, P, Hunter, M.S, Kassemeyer, S, Kimmel, N, Kirian, R.A, Maia, F.R.N.C, Marchesini, S, Martin, A.V, Reich, C, Rolles, D, Rudek, B, Rudenko, A, Schlichting, I, Schulz, J, Seibert, M.M, Sierra, R, Soltau, H, Starodub, D, Stellato, F, Stern, S, Struder, L, Timneanu, N, Ullrich, J, Wahlgren, W.Y, Wang, X, Weidenspointner, G, Wunderer, C, Fromme, P, Chapman, H.N, Spence, J.C.H, Neutze, R.
Deposit date:2011-12-14
Release date:2012-02-15
Last modified:2023-12-20
Cite:Lipidic Phase Membrane Protein Serial Femtosecond Crystallography.
Nat.Methods, 9, 2012
BU of 6wqa by Molmil
2.0A angstrom A2a adenosine receptor structure using XFEL data collected in helium atmosphere.
Descriptor: (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, (2S)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, 4-{2-[(7-amino-2-furan-2-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-yl)amino]ethyl}phenol, ...
Authors:Lee, M.-Y, Geiger, J, Ishchenko, A, Han, G.W, Barty, A, White, T.A, Gati, C, Batyuk, A, Hunter, M.S, Aquila, A, Boutet, S, Weierstall, U, Cherezov, V, Liu, W.
Deposit date:2020-04-28
Release date:2020-11-18
Last modified:2023-10-18
Cite:Harnessing the power of an X-ray laser for serial crystallography of membrane proteins crystallized in lipidic cubic phase
Iucrj, 7, 2020
BU of 4zwj by Molmil
Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser
Descriptor: Chimera protein of human Rhodopsin, mouse S-arrestin, and T4 Endolysin
Authors:Kang, Y, Zhou, X.E, Gao, X, He, Y, Liu, W, Ishchenko, A, Barty, A, White, T.A, Yefanov, O, Han, G.W, Xu, Q, de Waal, P.W, Ke, J, Tan, M.H.E, Zhang, C, Moeller, A, West, G.M, Pascal, B, Eps, N.V, Caro, L.N, Vishnivetskiy, S.A, Lee, R.J, Suino-Powell, K.M, Gu, X, Pal, K, Ma, J, Zhi, X, Boutet, S, Williams, G.J, Messerschmidt, M, Gati, C, Zatsepin, N.A, Wang, D, James, D, Basu, S, Roy-Chowdhury, S, Conrad, C, Coe, J, Liu, H, Lisova, S, Kupitz, C, Grotjohann, I, Fromme, R, Jiang, Y, Tan, M, Yang, H, Li, J, Wang, M, Zheng, Z, Li, D, Howe, N, Zhao, Y, Standfuss, J, Diederichs, K, Dong, Y, Potter, C.S, Carragher, B, Caffrey, M, Jiang, H, Chapman, H.N, Spence, J.C.H, Fromme, P, Weierstall, U, Ernst, O.P, Katritch, V, Gurevich, V.V, Griffin, P.R, Hubbell, W.L, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, Melcher, K, Xu, H.E, GPCR Network (GPCR)
Deposit date:2015-05-19
Release date:2015-07-29
Last modified:2023-09-27
Method:X-RAY DIFFRACTION (3.302 Å)
Cite:Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to arrestin by femtosecond X-ray laser.
Nature, 523, 2015
BU of 4cas by Molmil
Serial femtosecond crystallography structure of a photosynthetic reaction center
Descriptor: (2E,6E,10E,14E,18E,22E,26E)-3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31-OCTAMETHYLDOTRIACONTA-2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30-OCTAENYL TRIHYDROGEN DIPHOSPHATE, 15-cis-1,2-dihydroneurosporene, BACTERIOCHLOROPHYLL A, ...
Authors:Johansson, L.C, Arnlund, D, Katona, G, White, T.A, Barty, A, DePonte, D.P, Shoeman, R.L, Wickstrand, C, Sharma, A, Williams, G.J, Aquila, A, Bogan, M.J, Caleman, C, Davidsson, J, Doak, R.B, Frank, M, Fromme, R, Galli, L, Grotjohann, I, Hunter, M.S, Kassemeyer, S, Kirian, R.A, Kupitz, C, Liang, M, Lomb, L, Malmerberg, E, Martin, A.V, Messerschmidt, M, Nass, K, Redecke, L, Seibert, M.M, Sjohamn, J, Steinbrener, J, Stellato, F, Wang, D, Wahlgren, W.Y, Weierstall, U, Westenhoff, S, Zatsepin, N.A, Boutet, S, Spence, J.C.H, Schlichting, I, Chapman, H.N, Fromme, P, Neutze, R.
Deposit date:2013-10-09
Release date:2013-12-25
Last modified:2023-12-20
Cite:Structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre determined by serial femtosecond crystallography.
Nat Commun, 4, 2013
BU of 4rvy by Molmil
Serial Time resolved crystallography of Photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser. The S state after two flashes (S3)
Authors:Kupitz, C, Basu, S, Grotjohann, I, Fromme, R, Zatsepin, N, Rendek, K.N, Hunter, M, Shoeman, R.L, White, T.A, Wang, D, James, D, Yang, J.-H, Cobb, D.E, Reeder, B, Sierra, R.G, Liu, H, Barty, A, Aquila, A, Deponte, D, Kirian, R, Bari, S, Bergkamp, J.J, Beyerlein, K, Bogan, M.J, Caleman, C, Chao, T.-C, Conrad, C.E, Davis, K.M, Fleckenstein, H, Galli, L, Hau-Riege, S.P, Kassemeyer, S, Laksmono, H, Liang, M, Lomb, L, Marchesini, S, Martin, A.V, Messerschmidt, M, Milathianaki, D, Nass, K, Ros, A, Roy-Chowdhury, S, Schmidt, K, Seibert, M, Steinbrener, J, Stellato, F, Yan, L, Yoon, C, Moore, T.A, Moore, A.L, Pushkar, Y, Williams, G.J, Boutet, S, Doak, R.B, Weierstall, U, Frank, M, Chapman, H.N, Spence, J.C.H, Fromme, P.
Deposit date:2014-11-29
Release date:2015-11-04
Last modified:2023-09-20
Cite:Serial time-resolved crystallography of photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser.
Nature, 513, 2014
BU of 5u5q by Molmil
12 Subunit RNA Polymerase II at Room Temperature collected using SFX
Descriptor: DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1, DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB11, DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB2, ...
Authors:Bushnell, D.A, Oberthur, D, Mariani, V, Yefanov, O, Tolstikova, A, Barty, A.
Deposit date:2016-12-07
Release date:2017-03-29
Last modified:2019-11-27
Cite:Double-flow focused liquid injector for efficient serial femtosecond crystallography.
Sci Rep, 7, 2017
BU of 4rwa by Molmil
Synchrotron structure of the human delta opioid receptor in complex with a bifunctional peptide (PSI community target)
Descriptor: (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, Soluble cytochrome b562,Delta-type opioid receptor, bifunctional peptide
Authors:Fenalti, G, Zatsepin, N.A, Betti, C, Giguere, P, Han, G.W, Ishchenko, A, Liu, W, Guillemyn, K, Zhang, H, James, D, Wang, D, Weierstall, U, Spence, J.C.H, Boutet, S, Messerschmidt, M, Williams, G.J, Gati, C, Yefanov, O.M, White, T.A, Oberthuer, D, Metz, M, Yoon, C.H, Barty, A, Chapman, H.N, Basu, S, Coe, J, Conrad, C.E, Fromme, R, Fromme, P, Tourwe, D, Schiller, P.W, Roth, B.L, Ballet, S, Katritch, V, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, GPCR Network (GPCR)
Deposit date:2014-12-01
Release date:2015-01-14
Last modified:2023-12-06
Cite:Structural basis for bifunctional peptide recognition at human delta-opioid receptor.
Nat.Struct.Mol.Biol., 22, 2015
BU of 4rwd by Molmil
XFEL structure of the human delta opioid receptor in complex with a bifunctional peptide
Descriptor: (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, OLEIC ACID, SODIUM ION, ...
Authors:Fenalti, G, Zatsepin, N.A, Betti, C, Giguere, P, Han, G.W, Ishchenko, A, Liu, W, Guillemyn, K, Zhang, H, James, D, Wang, D, Weierstall, U, Spence, J.C.H, Boutet, S, Messerschmidt, M, Williams, G.J, Gati, C, Yefanov, O.M, White, T.A, Oberthuer, D, Metz, M, Yoon, C.H, Barty, A, Chapman, H.N, Basu, S, Coe, J, Conrad, C.E, Fromme, R, Fromme, P, Tourwe, D, Schiller, P.W, Roth, B.L, Ballet, S, Katritch, V, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, GPCR Network (GPCR)
Deposit date:2014-12-02
Release date:2015-01-14
Last modified:2023-12-06
Cite:Structural basis for bifunctional peptide recognition at human delta-opioid receptor.
Nat.Struct.Mol.Biol., 22, 2015
BU of 4zix by Molmil
Structure of HEWL using Serial Femtosecond Crystallography of Soluble Proteins in Lipidic Cubic Phase
Descriptor: CHLORIDE ION, Lysozyme C, SODIUM ION
Authors:Fromme, R, Ishchenko, A, Metz, M, Roy-Chowdhury, S, Basu, S, Boutet, S, Fromme, P, White, T.A, Barty, A, Spence, J.C.H, Weierstall, U, Liu, W, Cherezov, V.
Deposit date:2015-04-28
Release date:2015-08-12
Last modified:2019-12-25
Cite:Serial Femtosecond Crystallography of Soluble Proteins in Lipidic Cubic Phase
IUCrJ, 2, 2015
BU of 4ziz by Molmil
Serial Femtosecond Crystallography of Soluble Proteins in Lipidic Cubic Phase (C-Phycocyanin from T. elongatus)
Descriptor: C-phycocyanin alpha chain, C-phycocyanin beta chain, PHYCOCYANOBILIN
Authors:Fromme, R, Ishchenko, A, Metz, M, Roy-Chowdhury, S, Basu, S, Boutet, S, Fromme, P, White, T.A, Barty, A, Spence, J.C.H, Weierstall, U, Liu, W, Cherezov, V.
Deposit date:2015-04-28
Release date:2015-08-19
Last modified:2024-03-13
Cite:Serial femtosecond crystallography of soluble proteins in lipidic cubic phase.
IUCrJ, 2, 2015
BU of 4o34 by Molmil
Room temperature macromolecular serial crystallography using synchrotron radiation
Descriptor: CHLORIDE ION, Lysozyme C, SODIUM ION
Authors:Stellato, F, Oberthuer, D, Liang, M, Bean, R, Gati, C, Yefanov, O, Barty, A, Burkhardt, A, Fischer, P, Galli, L, Kirian, R.A, Mayer, J, Pannerselvam, S, Yoon, C.H, Chervinskii, F, Speller, E, White, T.A, Betzel, C, Meents, A, Chapman, H.N.
Deposit date:2013-12-18
Release date:2014-06-11
Last modified:2019-07-17
Cite:Room-temperature macromolecular serial crystallography using synchrotron radiation.
IUCrJ, 1, 2014
BU of 4pbu by Molmil
Serial Time-resolved crystallography of Photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser The S1 state
Authors:Kupitz, C, Basu, S, Grotjohann, I, Fromme, R, Zatsepin, N, Rendek, K.N, Hunter, M, Shoeman, R.L, White, T.A, Wang, D, James, D, Yang, J.H, Cobb, D.E, Reeder, B, Sierra, R.G, Liu, H, Barty, A, Aquila, A, Deponte, D, Kirian, R.A, Bari, S, Bergkamp, J.J, Beyerlein, K, Bogan, M.J, Caleman, C, Chao, T.-C, Conrad, C.E, Davis, K.M, Fleckenstein, H, Galli, L, Hau-Riege, S.P, Kassemeyer, S, Laksmono, H, Liang, M, Lomb, L, Marchesini, S, Martin, A.V, Messerschmidt, M, Milathianaki, D, Nass, K, Ros, A, Roy-Chowdhury, S, Schmidt, K, Seibert, M, Steinbrener, J, Stellato, F, Yan, L, Yoon, C, Moore, T.A, Moore, A.L, Pushkar, Y, Williams, G.J, Boutet, S, Doak, R.B, Weierstall, U, Frank, M, Chapman, H.N, Spence, J.C.H, Fromme, P.
Deposit date:2014-04-13
Release date:2014-07-16
Last modified:2023-09-27
Cite:Serial time-resolved crystallography of photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser.
Nature, 513, 2014
BU of 5k2d by Molmil
1.9A angstrom A2a adenosine receptor structure with MR phasing using XFEL data
Descriptor: (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, (2S)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, 4-{2-[(7-amino-2-furan-2-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-yl)amino]ethyl}phenol, ...
Authors:Batyuk, A, Galli, L, Ishchenko, A, Han, G.W, Gati, C, Popov, P, Lee, M.-Y, Stauch, B, White, T.A, Barty, A, Aquila, A, Hunter, M.S, Liang, M, Boutet, S, Pu, M, Liu, Z.-J, Nelson, G, James, D, Li, C, Zhao, Y, Spence, J.C.H, Liu, W, Fromme, P, Katritch, V, Weierstall, U, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, GPCR Network (GPCR)
Deposit date:2016-05-18
Release date:2016-09-21
Last modified:2023-09-27
Cite:Native phasing of x-ray free-electron laser data for a G protein-coupled receptor.
Sci Adv, 2, 2016
BU of 5k2b by Molmil
2.5 angstrom A2a adenosine receptor structure with MR phasing using XFEL data
Descriptor: (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, (2S)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, 4-{2-[(7-amino-2-furan-2-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-yl)amino]ethyl}phenol, ...
Authors:Batyuk, A, Galli, L, Ishchenko, A, Han, G.W, Gati, C, Popov, P, Lee, M.-Y, Stauch, B, White, T.A, Barty, A, Aquila, A, Hunter, M.S, Liang, M, Boutet, S, Pu, M, Liu, Z.-J, Nelson, G, James, D, Li, C, Zhao, Y, Spence, J.C.H, Liu, W, Fromme, P, Katritch, V, Weierstall, U, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, GPCR Network (GPCR)
Deposit date:2016-05-18
Release date:2016-09-21
Last modified:2023-09-27
Cite:Native phasing of x-ray free-electron laser data for a G protein-coupled receptor.
Sci Adv, 2, 2016
BU of 5k2c by Molmil
1.9 angstrom A2a adenosine receptor structure with sulfur SAD phasing and phase extension using XFEL data
Descriptor: (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, 4-{2-[(7-amino-2-furan-2-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-yl)amino]ethyl}phenol, Adenosine receptor A2a/Soluble cytochrome b562 chimera, ...
Authors:Batyuk, A, Galli, L, Ishchenko, A, Han, G.W, Gati, C, Popov, P, Lee, M.-Y, Stauch, B, White, T.A, Barty, A, Aquila, A, Hunter, M.S, Liang, M, Boutet, S, Pu, M, Liu, Z.-J, Nelson, G, James, D, Li, C, Zhao, Y, Spence, J.C.H, Liu, W, Fromme, P, Katritch, V, Weierstall, U, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, GPCR Network (GPCR)
Deposit date:2016-05-18
Release date:2016-09-21
Last modified:2018-11-28
Cite:Native phasing of x-ray free-electron laser data for a G protein-coupled receptor.
Sci Adv, 2, 2016
BU of 6gth by Molmil
Serial Femtosecond Crystallography at Megahertz pulse rates
Descriptor: (2S,5R)-1-formyl-5-[(sulfooxy)amino]piperidine-2-carboxamide, Beta-lactamase
Authors:Wiedorn, M, Oberthuer, D, Werner, N, Schubert, R, White, T.A, Mancuso, A, Perbandt, M, Betzel, C, Barty, A, Chapman, H.
Deposit date:2018-06-18
Release date:2018-10-10
Last modified:2024-01-17
Cite:Megahertz serial crystallography.
Nat Commun, 9, 2018
BU of 5k2a by Molmil
2.5 angstrom A2a adenosine receptor structure with sulfur SAD phasing using XFEL data
Descriptor: (2R)-2,3-dihydroxypropyl (9Z)-octadec-9-enoate, 4-{2-[(7-amino-2-furan-2-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-yl)amino]ethyl}phenol, Adenosine receptor A2a/Soluble cytochrome b562 chimera, ...
Authors:Batyuk, A, Galli, L, Ishchenko, A, Han, G.W, Gati, C, Popov, P, Lee, M.-Y, Stauch, B, White, T.A, Barty, A, Aquila, A, Hunter, M.S, Liang, M, Boutet, S, Pu, M, Liu, Z.-J, Nelson, G, James, D, Li, C, Zhao, Y, Spence, J.C.H, Liu, W, Fromme, P, Katritch, V, Weierstall, U, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, GPCR Network (GPCR)
Deposit date:2016-05-18
Release date:2016-09-21
Last modified:2018-11-28
Cite:Native phasing of x-ray free-electron laser data for a G protein-coupled receptor.
Sci Adv, 2, 2016
BU of 6ftr by Molmil
Serial Femtosecond Crystallography at Megahertz pulse rates
Authors:Wiedorn, M.O, Oberthuer, D, Barty, A, Chapman, H.N.
Deposit date:2018-02-23
Release date:2018-10-10
Last modified:2024-01-17
Method:X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.76000106 Å)
Cite:Megahertz serial crystallography.
Nat Commun, 9, 2018
BU of 5w0p by Molmil
Crystal structure of rhodopsin bound to visual arrestin determined by X-ray free electron laser
Descriptor: 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose-(1-4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose, Endolysin,Rhodopsin,S-arrestin
Authors:Zhou, X.E, He, Y, de Waal, P.W, Gao, X, Kang, Y, Van Eps, N, Yin, Y, Pal, K, Goswami, D, White, T.A, Barty, A, Latorraca, N.R, Chapman, H.N, Hubbell, W.L, Dror, R.O, Stevens, R.C, Cherezov, V, Gurevich, V.V, Griffin, P.R, Ernst, O.P, Melcher, K, Xu, H.E.
Deposit date:2017-05-31
Release date:2017-08-09
Last modified:2023-10-04
Method:X-RAY DIFFRACTION (3.013 Å)
Cite:Identification of Phosphorylation Codes for Arrestin Recruitment by G Protein-Coupled Receptors.
Cell, 170, 2017
BU of 5swd by Molmil
Structure of the adenine riboswitch aptamer domain in an intermediate-bound state
Descriptor: ADENINE, MAGNESIUM ION, Vibrio vulnificus strain 93U204 chromosome II, ...
Authors:Stagno, J.R, Wang, Y.-X, Liu, Y, Bhandari, Y.R, Conrad, C.E, Nelson, G, Li, C, Wendel, D.R, White, T.A, Barty, A, Tuckey, R.A, Zatsepin, N.A, Grant, T.D, Fromme, P, Tan, K, Ji, X, Spence, J.C.H.
Deposit date:2016-08-08
Release date:2016-11-23
Last modified:2023-10-04
Cite:Structures of riboswitch RNA reaction states by mix-and-inject XFEL serial crystallography.
Nature, 541, 2017
BU of 5swe by Molmil
Ligand-bound structure of adenine riboswitch aptamer domain converted in crystal from its ligand-free state using ligand mixing serial femtosecond crystallography
Descriptor: ADENINE, Vibrio vulnificus strain 93U204 chromosome II, adenine riboswitch aptamer domain
Authors:Stagno, J.R, Wang, Y.-X, Liu, Y, Bhandari, Y.R, Conrad, C.E, Nelson, G, Li, C, Wendel, D.R, White, T.A, Barty, A, Tuckey, R.A, Zatsepin, N.A, Grant, T.D, Fromme, P, Tan, K, Ji, X, Spence, J.C.H.
Deposit date:2016-08-08
Release date:2016-11-23
Last modified:2023-10-04
Cite:Structures of riboswitch RNA reaction states by mix-and-inject XFEL serial crystallography.
Nature, 541, 2017



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