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Showing 1 - 50 of 336 items for (author: zou & l)
retron Ec86-effector fiber
Method: single particle / : Wang YJ, Guan ZY, Wang C, Zou TT
Cryo-EM structure of the human inward-rectifier potassium 2.1 channel (Kir2.1) - R312H mutant
Method: single particle / : Fernandes CAH, Zuniga D, Venien-Bryan C
Cryo-EM structure of the human inward-rectifier potassium 2.1 channel (Kir2.1) - R312H mutant
Method: single particle / : Fernandes CAH, Zuniga D, Venien-Bryan C
Cryo-EM structure of dimeric ATP-TTR-3
Method: single particle / : Chen XY, Jia GW, Su ZM
Cryo-EM structure of the LH1 complex from thermochromatium tepidum
Method: single particle / : Wang GL, Yan YH, Yu LJ
Cryo-EM structure of the LH1 complex from thermochromatium tepidum
Method: single particle / : Wang GL, Yan YH, Yu LJ
Cryo-EM structure of the LH1 complex from thermochromatium tepidum
Method: single particle / : Wang GL, Yan YH, Yu LJ
Cryo-EM structure of the LH1 complex from thermochromatium tepidum
Method: single particle / : Wang GL, Yan YH, Yu LJ
CryoEM structure of Gq coupled MRGPRX4 with agonist DCA-3P
Method: single particle / : Yang J, Fan JP, Lei XG
CryoEM structure of Gq coupled MRGPRX4 with agonist DCA-3P, local
Method: single particle / : Yang J, Fan JP, Lei XG
CryoEM structure of Gq coupled MRGPRX4 with agonist DCA-3P
Method: single particle / : Yang J, Fan JP, Lei XG
CryoEM structure of Gq coupled MRGPRX4 with agonist DCA-3P, local
Method: single particle / : Yang J, Fan JP, Lei XG
Structure of DNMT3A1 UDR region bound to H2AK119ub nucleosome
Method: single particle / : Wapenaar H, Wilson MD
Cryo-EM density map of DNMT3A1-DNMT3L on a human H2AKc119ub nucleosome at 5.1 A resolution
Method: single particle / : Wapenaar H, Wilson MD
Structure of DNMT3A1 UDR region bound to H2AK119ub nucleosome
Method: single particle / : Burdett H, Wapenaar H, Wilson MD
Cryo-EM structure of the BcsB hexameric crown from the E. coli cellulose secretion macrocomplex
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP-free synthase:pEtN transferase complex (BcsA-Bct-G3) from the E. coli cellulose secretion macrocomplex
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP-bound synthase:pEtN transferase complex (BcsA-Bct-G3) from the E. coli cellulose secretion macrocomplex
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP-saturated Bcs macrocomplex (BcsABR2Q2E2F2G3) for cellulose secretion of E. coli (filtered to 6A)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP non-saturated Bcs macrocomplex (BcsABR2Q2E2F2G3) for cellulose secretion of E. coli (filtered to 7A)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP-saturated 'crown'less Bcs macrocomplex for cellulose secretion in E. coli
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the BcsE2F2 regulatory subcomplex from the E. coli Bcs macrocomplex for cellulose secretion (local refinement)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the 'crown'less Bcs macrocomplex for E. coli cellulose secretion in non-saturating c-di-GMP (local)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the BcsEFRQ regulatory subcomplex for E. coli cellulose secretion in non-saturating c-di-GMP (local)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the BcsB hexameric crown from the E. coli cellulose secretion macrocomplex
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP-free synthase:pEtN transferase complex (BcsA-Bct-G3) from the E. coli cellulose secretion macrocomplex
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP-bound synthase:pEtN transferase complex (BcsA-Bct-G3) from the E. coli cellulose secretion macrocomplex
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the c-di-GMP-saturated 'crown'less Bcs macrocomplex for cellulose secretion in E. coli
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the BcsE2F2 regulatory subcomplex from the E. coli Bcs macrocomplex for cellulose secretion (local refinement)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the 'crown'less Bcs macrocomplex for E. coli cellulose secretion in non-saturating c-di-GMP (local)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the BcsEFRQ regulatory subcomplex for E. coli cellulose secretion in non-saturating c-di-GMP (local)
Method: single particle / : Anso I, Krasteva PV
Cryo-EM structure of the Ycf2-FtsHi motor complex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in AMPPNP bound state
Method: single particle / : Liang K, Zhan X, Wu J, Yan Z
Cryo-EM structure of the Ycf2-FtsHi motor complex from chlamydomonas reinhardtii in apo state
Method: single particle / : Liang K, Zhan X, Wu J, Yan Z
Cryo-EM map of the Ycf2-FtsHi motor complex from Chlamydomonas in ATP-bound state
Method: single particle / : Liang K, Zhan X, Wu J, Yan Z
Cryo-EM structure of the Ycf2-FtsHi motor complex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in AMPPNP bound state
Method: single particle / : Liang K, Zhan X, Wu J, Yan Z
Cryo-EM structure of the Ycf2-FtsHi motor complex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in apo state
Method: single particle / : Liang K, Zhan X, Wu J, Yan Z
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle at pH8.0 (3.23A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle at pH6.5 (2.82A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle at pH5.0 (3.52A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virion at pH6.5 (3.12A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virion at pH5.0 (4.36A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle at pH8.0 (3.23A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle at pH6.5 (2.82A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virus-like particle at pH5.0 (3.52A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Cryo-EM structure of Dragon Grouper nervous necrosis virion at pH6.5 (3.12A)
Method: single particle / : Wang CH, Chang WH
Helical reconstruction of yeast eisosome protein Pil1 bound to membrane composed of lipid mixture +PIP2/+bromosterol (DOPC, DOPE, DOPS, bromo-ergosterol, PI(4,5)P2 35:20:20:15:10)
Method: helical / : Kefauver JM, Zou L, Desfosses A, Loewith RJ
Native eisosome lattice bound to plasma membrane microdomain
Method: single particle / : Kefauver JM, Zou L, Loewith RJ, Desfosses A
Helical reconstruction of yeast eisosome protein Pil1 bound to membrane composed of lipid mixture -PIP2/+sterol (DOPC, DOPE, DOPS, cholesterol 30:20:20:30)
Method: helical / : Kefauver JM, Zou L, Desfosses A, Loewith RJ
Helical reconstruction of yeast eisosome protein Pil1 bound to membrane composed of lipid mixture +PIP2/-sterol (DOPC, DOPE, DOPS, PI(4,5)P2 50:20:20:10)
Method: helical / : Kefauver JM, Zou L, Desfosses A, Loewith RJ