All obsolete PDB entries with X-ray structure factor data
The below obsoleted entries have been excluded from the current PDB database.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
3v25 was replaced with 4v8g on 2014-12-10 |
1vxn was replaced with 4lsk on 2014-12-10 |
1vxp was replaced with 4lt8 on 2014-12-10 |
3o30 was replaced with 4v7r on 2014-12-10 |
4ujf was replaced with 4u51 on 2014-12-10 |
4dhb was replaced with 4v95 on 2014-12-10 |
4ukx was replaced with 4u4n on 2014-12-10 |
2qbh was replaced with 4v55 on 2014-12-10 |
2qnh was replaced with 4v4j on 2014-12-10 |
3v22 was replaced with 4v8g on 2014-12-10 |
3oi2 was replaced with 4v7z on 2014-12-10 |
3uz7 was replaced with 4v8d on 2014-12-10 |
4gd2 was replaced with 4v9d on 2014-12-10 |
3i1p was replaced with 4v6c on 2014-12-10 |
4ul1 was replaced with 4u4o on 2014-12-10 |
3orb was replaced with 1 (4www) on 2014-12-10 |
2z4l was replaced with 4v5y on 2014-12-10 |
3pyq was replaced with 4v83 on 2014-12-10 |
3znd was replaced with 4v8n on 2014-12-10 |
2wdh was replaced with 4v5c on 2014-12-10 |
3oi1 was replaced with 4v7y on 2014-12-10 |
2qbf was replaced with 4v54 on 2014-12-10 |
1pns was replaced with 4v49 on 2014-12-10 |
2y9a was replaced with 1 (4wzj) on 2014-12-10 |
2x9u was replaced with 4v5j on 2014-12-10 |