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News on 2007-04-25

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The wwPDB (www.wwpdb.org) has collaborated on a project to remediate the PDB archive and create a new set of corrected files, the test data of which are now released.

Created: 2007-04-25

News on 2007-05-21

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PDBj has started the following two new services:
EM Navigator, a browser for searching the electron microscopy structures and XQuad (XQuery Advisor), a advisory tool for creating XQuery for searching the PDB data.

Created: 2007-05-21

News on 2007-12-20

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Data download service via rsync is started.

We have started to provide remediated PDB archive via rsync protocol. Rsync is a software which synchronizes files and directories from one location to another while minimizing data transfer using delta encoding when appropriate. Detailed information for PDB archive service is available from PDB archive web page.

Created: 2007-12-20

News on 2007-08-01

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The PDB archive has been remediated and is available starting August 1, 2007 from ftp://ftp.wwpdb.org/ and from our mirror site: ftp://pdb.protein.osaka-u.ac.jp/v3/.

Created: 2007-08-01

News on 2007-11-01

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All new NMR depositions at the PDBj will use ADIT-NMR tool. New NMR deposition using ADIT is closed.

Created: 2007-11-01

News on 2007-12-12

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Effective February 1, 2008, structure factor amplitudes/intensities (for crystal structures) and restraints (for NMR structures) will be a mandatory requirement for PDB deposition.

These data must be deposited at a member site of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank ( www.wwpdb.org ): PDBj ( www.pdbj.org ), RCSB PDB ( www.pdb.org ), PDBe ( www.ebi.ac.uk/msd ), or BMRB ( www.bmrb.wisc.edu ).

Data can be released as soon as they have been processed and approved. There is a one-year limit on the length of time a structure and its experimental data can be put on hold, including structures that are on hold until the associated paper is published (HPUB).

This policy was developed as a result of comments and recommendations from the PDB user community, including the Commission on Biological Macromolecules of the International Union of Crystallography and the NMR Task Force, and has been endorsed by the wwPDB Advisory Committee.

Created: 2007-12-12


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