| Room temperature crystal structure of the fast switching M159T mutant of fluorescent protein Dronpa | Descriptor: | FLUORESCENT PROTEIN DRONPA | Authors: | Kaucikas, M, Fitzpatrick, A, Bryan, E, Struve, A, Henning, R, Kosheleva, I, Srajer, V, van Thor, J.J. | Deposit date: | 2014-07-22 | Release date: | 2015-06-03 | Last modified: | 2024-10-09 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.03 Å) | Cite: | Room Temperature Crystal Structure of the Fast Switching M159T Mutant of the Fluorescent Protein Dronpa. Proteins, 83, 2015
| Serial Laue crystallography structure of dehaloperoxidase B from Amphitrite ornata | Descriptor: | Dehaloperoxidase B, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE, SULFATE ION | Authors: | Moreno-Chicano, T.M, Ebrahim, A, Srajer, V, Henning, R.W, Doak, B.C, Trebbin, M, Monteiro, D.C.F, Hough, M.A. | Deposit date: | 2020-09-15 | Release date: | 2021-11-03 | Last modified: | 2025-01-15 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.01 Å) | Cite: | Complementarity of neutron, XFEL and synchrotron crystallography for defining the structures of metalloenzymes at room temperature. Iucrj, 9, 2022
| PHOTOPRODUCT OF CARBONMONOXY MYOGLOBIN AT 40 K | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, MYOGLOBIN, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE, ... | Authors: | Teng, T.Y, Srajer, V, Moffat, K. | Deposit date: | 1997-05-02 | Release date: | 1997-11-12 | Last modified: | 2024-05-22 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.69 Å) | Cite: | Photolysis-induced structural changes in single crystals of carbonmonoxy myoglobin at 40 K. Nat.Struct.Biol., 1, 1994
| CARBONMONOXY MYOGLOBIN AT 40 K | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, MYOGLOBIN, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE, ... | Authors: | Teng, T.Y, Srajer, V, Moffat, K. | Deposit date: | 1997-05-02 | Release date: | 1997-11-12 | Last modified: | 2024-05-22 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.69 Å) | Cite: | Photolysis-induced structural changes in single crystals of carbonmonoxy myoglobin at 40 K. Nat.Struct.Biol., 1, 1994
| DHP-CO crystal structure | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, Dehaloperoxidase A, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE, ... | Authors: | Zhao, J, Srajer, V, Franzen, S. | Deposit date: | 2013-03-31 | Release date: | 2014-04-23 | Last modified: | 2024-02-28 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.8 Å) | Cite: | Observation of protein valves for the control of the internal flow of small molecules using time-resolved X-ray crystallography To be Published
| Single-shot pink beam serial crystallography: Proteinase K | Descriptor: | 2-[N-CYCLOHEXYLAMINO]ETHANE SULFONIC ACID, 4-(2-HYDROXYETHYL)-1-PIPERAZINE ETHANESULFONIC ACID, CALCIUM ION, ... | Authors: | Meents, A, Oberthuer, D, Lieske, J, Srajer, V. | Deposit date: | 2016-12-01 | Release date: | 2017-11-15 | Last modified: | 2024-11-13 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.21013784 Å) | Cite: | Pink-beam serial crystallography. Nat Commun, 8, 2017
| |
| Single-shot pink beam serial crystallography: Phycocyanin (Five chips merged) | Descriptor: | C-phycocyanin alpha chain, C-phycocyanin beta chain, PHYCOCYANOBILIN | Authors: | Meents, A, Oberthuer, D, Lieske, J, Srajer, V, Sarrou, I. | Deposit date: | 2016-12-01 | Release date: | 2017-11-15 | Last modified: | 2024-01-17 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.302 Å) | Cite: | Pink-beam serial crystallography. Nat Commun, 8, 2017
| Multi-bunch pink beam serial crystallography: Phycocyanin (One chip) | Descriptor: | C-phycocyanin alpha chain, C-phycocyanin beta chain, PHYCOCYANOBILIN | Authors: | Meents, A, Oberthuer, D, Lieske, J, Srajer, V, Sarrou, I. | Deposit date: | 2016-12-01 | Release date: | 2017-11-15 | Last modified: | 2024-01-17 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.11 Å) | Cite: | Pink-beam serial crystallography. Nat Commun, 8, 2017
| Laue Structure of L29W MbCO | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, MYOGLOBIN, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE | Authors: | Schmidt, M, Nienhaus, K, Pahl, R, Krasselt, A, Anderson, S, Parak, F, Nienhaus, G.U, Srajer, V. | Deposit date: | 2005-07-13 | Release date: | 2005-07-13 | Last modified: | 2023-12-13 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.68 Å) | Cite: | Ligand Migration Pathway and Protein Dynamics in Myoglobin: A Time-Resolved Crystallographic Study on L29W Mbco. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, 102, 2005
| Laue Structure of a Short Lived State of L29W Myoglobin | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, Myoglobin, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE | Authors: | Schmidt, M, Nienhaus, K, Pahl, R, Krasselt, A, Anderson, S, Parak, F, Nienhaus, G.U, Srajer, V. | Deposit date: | 2005-07-14 | Release date: | 2005-07-28 | Last modified: | 2024-05-08 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.9 Å) | Cite: | Ligand migration pathway and protein dynamics in myoglobin: a time-resolved crystallographic study on L29W MbCO. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 102, 2005
| Single-shot pink beam serial crystallography: Phycocyanin (One chip, chip_1) | Descriptor: | C-phycocyanin alpha chain, C-phycocyanin beta chain, PHYCOCYANOBILIN | Authors: | Meents, A, Oberthuer, D, Lieske, J, Srajer, V, Sarrou, I. | Deposit date: | 2017-06-09 | Release date: | 2017-11-15 | Last modified: | 2024-01-17 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.46 Å) | Cite: | Pink-beam serial crystallography. Nat Commun, 8, 2017
| Single-shot pink beam serial crystallography: Thaumatin | Descriptor: | S,R MESO-TARTARIC ACID, SODIUM ION, Thaumatin-1 | Authors: | Meents, A, Oberthuer, D, Lieske, J, Srajer, V. | Deposit date: | 2016-12-01 | Release date: | 2017-12-20 | Last modified: | 2024-10-23 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.1 Å) | Cite: | Single-shot pink beam serial crystallography: Thaumatin To Be Published
| Single-shot pink beam serial crystallography: Phycocyanin (One chip) | Descriptor: | C-phycocyanin alpha chain, C-phycocyanin beta chain, PHYCOCYANOBILIN | Authors: | Meents, A, Oberthuer, D, Lieske, J, Srajer, V, Sarrou, I. | Deposit date: | 2016-12-01 | Release date: | 2017-11-15 | Last modified: | 2024-01-17 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.7 Å) | Cite: | Pink-beam serial crystallography. Nat Commun, 8, 2017
| 5ns Photoproduct of the M37V mutant of Scapharca HbI | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, Globin-1, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2006-04-25 | Release date: | 2006-05-09 | Last modified: | 2023-08-30 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.6 Å) | Cite: | Allosteric action in real time: Time-resolved crystallographic studies of a cooperative dimeric hemoglobin. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa, 103, 2006
| M37V mutant of Scapharca dimeric hemoglobin, with CO bound | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, Globin-1, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2006-04-24 | Release date: | 2006-05-09 | Last modified: | 2023-08-30 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.5 Å) | Cite: | Allosteric action in real time: Time-resolved crystallographic studies of a cooperative dimeric hemoglobin. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa, 103, 2006
| Crystal structure of Scapharca inaequivalvis HBI, M37V mutant in the absence of ligand | Descriptor: | Globin-1, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2006-04-24 | Release date: | 2006-05-09 | Last modified: | 2023-08-30 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.1 Å) | Cite: | Allosteric action in real time: Time-resolved crystallographic studies of a cooperative dimeric hemoglobin. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.Usa, 103, 2006
| Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chlorobenzene bound to the XE4 cavity | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, GLOBIN-1, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE, ... | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Cohen, J, Nichols, J.C, Schulten, K, Gibson, Q.H, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2009-02-04 | Release date: | 2009-12-01 | Last modified: | 2023-09-06 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.9 Å) | Cite: | Ligand migration and cavities within Scapharca Dimeric HbI: studies by time-resolved crystallo-graphy, Xe binding, and computational analysis. Structure, 17, 2009
| Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloroform bound to the XE4 cavity | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, Globin-1, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE, ... | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Cohen, J, Nichols, J.C, Schulten, K, Gibson, Q.H, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2009-02-03 | Release date: | 2009-12-01 | Last modified: | 2023-09-06 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (0.91 Å) | Cite: | Ligand migration and cavities within Scapharca Dimeric HbI: studies by time-resolved crystallo-graphy, Xe binding, and computational analysis. Structure, 17, 2009
| Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloroform bound to the XE4 cavity | Descriptor: | CARBON MONOXIDE, Globin-1, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE, ... | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Cohen, J, Nichols, J.C, Schulten, K, Gibson, Q.H, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2009-02-04 | Release date: | 2009-12-01 | Last modified: | 2023-09-06 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.6 Å) | Cite: | Ligand migration and cavities within Scapharca Dimeric HbI: studies by time-resolved crystallo-graphy, Xe binding, and computational analysis. Structure, 17, 2009
| Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and dichloropropane bound to the XE4 cavity | Descriptor: | 1,3-dichloropropane, CARBON MONOXIDE, GLOBIN-1, ... | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Cohen, J, Nichols, J.C, Schulten, K, Gibson, Q.H, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2009-02-04 | Release date: | 2009-12-01 | Last modified: | 2023-09-06 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (2.1 Å) | Cite: | Ligand migration and cavities within Scapharca Dimeric HbI: studies by time-resolved crystallo-graphy, Xe binding, and computational analysis. Structure, 17, 2009
| Second PDZ domain of Ligand of Numb protein X 2 by Laue crystallography (no electric field) | Descriptor: | Ligand of Numb protein X 2 | Authors: | Hekstra, D.R, White, K.I, Socolich, M.A, Henning, R.W, Srajer, V, Ranganathan, R. | Deposit date: | 2015-09-29 | Release date: | 2016-12-07 | Last modified: | 2024-03-06 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.8 Å) | Cite: | Electric-field-stimulated protein mechanics. Nature, 540, 2016
| Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloromethyl benzene bound to the XE4 cavity | Descriptor: | (chloromethyl)benzene, CARBON MONOXIDE, GLOBIN-1, ... | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Cohen, J, Nichols, J.C, Schulten, K, Gibson, Q.H, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2009-02-04 | Release date: | 2009-12-01 | Last modified: | 2023-09-06 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.7 Å) | Cite: | Ligand migration and cavities within Scapharca Dimeric HbI: studies by time-resolved crystallo-graphy, Xe binding, and computational analysis. Structure, 17, 2009
| Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloropropyl benzene bound to the XE4 cavity | Descriptor: | (3-chloropropyl)benzene, CARBON MONOXIDE, Globin-1, ... | Authors: | Knapp, J.E, Pahl, R, Cohen, J, Nichols, J.C, Schulten, K, Gibson, Q.H, Srajer, V, Royer Jr, W.E. | Deposit date: | 2009-02-04 | Release date: | 2009-12-01 | Last modified: | 2023-09-06 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.64 Å) | Cite: | Ligand migration and cavities within Scapharca Dimeric HbI: studies by time-resolved crystallo-graphy, Xe binding, and computational analysis. Structure, 17, 2009
| The second PDZ domain of Ligand of Numb protein X 2 in the presence of an electric field of ~1 MV/cm along the crystallographic x axis, with eightfold extrapolation of structure factor differences. | Descriptor: | GLYCEROL, Ligand of Numb protein X 2 | Authors: | Hekstra, D.R, White, K.I, Socolich, M.A, Henning, R.W, Srajer, V, Ranganathan, R. | Deposit date: | 2015-09-30 | Release date: | 2016-12-07 | Last modified: | 2023-09-27 | Method: | X-RAY DIFFRACTION (1.797 Å) | Cite: | Electric-field-stimulated protein mechanics. Nature, 540, 2016