File format | File name (file size) |
PDBx/mmCIF | 8toe.cif.gz Display(794.46 KB) 8toe.cif |
PDBx/mmJSON | all | 8toe.json.gz Display (Tree)(514.34 KB) 8toe.json |
no-atom | 8toe-noatom.json.gz Display (Header)(64.75 KB) 8toe-noatom.json |
add only | 8toe-plus.json.gz Display(2.60 KB) 8toe-plus.json |
PDBML | all | 8toe.xml.gz Display(1.04 MB) 8toe.xml |
no-atom | 8toe-noatom.xml.gz Display(143.42 KB) 8toe-noatom.xml |
ext-atom | 8toe-extatom.xml.gz Display(694.02 KB) 8toe-extatom.xml |
pdb_nextgen | all | pdb_00008toe_xyz-enrich.cif.gz Display(877.07 KB) pdb_00008toe_xyz-enrich.cif |
no-atom | pdb_00008toe_xyz-no-atom-enrich.xml.gz Display(209.65 KB) pdb_00008toe_xyz-no-atom-enrich.xml |
ng-only | 8toe-plus.json.gz Display(22.39 KB) 8toe-plus.json |
PDB | pdb8toe.ent.gz Display(624.46 KB) pdb8toe.ent |
RDF | 8toe.rdf.gz Visualize(461.89 KB) 8toe.rdf |
Biological unit (mmCIF format) | 8toe-assembly1.cif.gz Display(767.66 KB) 8toe-assembly1.cif (G,H,I,J,K,...)*author and software defined assembly, 9 molecule(s) (nonameric) |
Biological unit (PDB format) | 8toe.pdb1.gz Display(615.58 KB) 8toe.pdb1 (G,H,I,J,K,...)*author and software defined assembly, 9 molecule(s) (nonameric) |
Validation reports | PDF | 8toe_validation.pdf.gz Display(1.44 MB) 8toe_validation.pdf |
PDF-full | 8toe_full_validation.pdf.gz Display(1.47 MB) 8toe_full_validation.pdf |
mmCIF | 8toe_validation.cif.gz Display(156.34 KB) 8toe_validation.cif |
XML | 8toe_validation.xml.gz Display(103.61 KB) 8toe_validation.xml |
PNG | 8toe_multipercentile_validation.png.gz Display(121.77 KB) 8toe_multipercentile_validation.png |
SVG | 8toe_multipercentile_validation.svg.gz Display(787.00 B) 8toe_multipercentile_validation.svg |