Crystal structure of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase (PETNR) mutant I107A
Functional Information from GO Data
Functional Information from PDB Data
site_id | AC1 |
Number of Residues | 19 |
Details | binding site for residue FMN A 401 |
Chain | Residue |
A | ALA23 |
A | ALA302 |
A | PHE322 |
A | GLY323 |
A | ARG324 |
A | TYR351 |
A | ACT402 |
A | HOH515 |
A | HOH554 |
A | HOH579 |
A | HOH678 |
A | PRO24 |
A | LEU25 |
A | THR26 |
A | ALA58 |
A | GLN100 |
A | HIS181 |
A | HIS184 |
A | ARG233 |
site_id | AC2 |
Number of Residues | 9 |
Details | binding site for residue ACT A 402 |
Chain | Residue |
A | THR26 |
A | TRP102 |
A | HIS181 |
A | HIS184 |
A | TYR186 |
A | FMN401 |
A | HOH521 |
A | HOH636 |
A | HOH728 |