Crystal Structure of Maize SIRK1 (sucrose-induced receptor kinase 1) kinase domain bound to AMP-PNP
Entity ID | Chain ID | Description | Type | Chain length | Formula weight | Number of molecules | DB Name (Accession) | Biological source | Descriptive keywords |
1 | A (A) | Putative leucine-rich repeat protein kinase family protein | polymer | 311 | 34498.3 | 1 | UniProt (K7VIQ3) Pfam (PF07714) | Zea mays (Maize) | |
2 | B (A) | PHOSPHOAMINOPHOSPHONIC ACID-ADENYLATE ESTER | non-polymer | 506.2 | 1 | Chemie (ANP) | |||
3 | C (A) | MAGNESIUM ION | non-polymer | 24.3 | 1 | Chemie (MG) | |||
4 | D (A) | water | water | 18.0 | 65 | Chemie (HOH) |
Sequence modifications
A: 737 - 1045 (UniProt: K7VIQ3)
PDB | External Database | Details |
Ser 735 | - | expression tag |
Met 736 | - | expression tag |
Sequence viewer
Contents of the asymmetric unit
Polymers | Number of chains | 1 |
Total formula weight | 34498.3 | |
Non-Polymers* | Number of molecules | 2 |
Total formula weight | 530.5 | |
All* | Total formula weight | 35028.8 |