Crystal Structure of Blasticidin S Bound to Thermus Thermophilus 70S Ribosome.
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Entity ID | Chain ID | Description | Type | Chain length | Formula weight | Number of molecules | DB Name (Accession) | Biological source | Descriptive keywords |
1 | A, CB (AA, CA) | 23S ribosomal RNA | polymer | 2879 | 936302.1 | 2 | GenBank (AE017221.1) | Thermus thermophilus | |
2 | B, DB (AB, CB) | 5S ribosomal RNA | polymer | 119 | 38553.0 | 2 | GenBank (AE017221.1) | Thermus thermophilus | |
3 | C, EB (AD, CD) | 50S ribosomal protein L2 | polymer | 271 | 29828.6 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I07) Pfam (PF00181) Pfam (PF03947) | Thermus thermophilus | |
4 | D, FB (AE, CE) | 50S ribosomal protein L3 | polymer | 204 | 22250.0 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I04) Pfam (PF00297) | Thermus thermophilus | |
5 | E, GB (AF, CF) | 50S ribosomal protein L4 | polymer | 202 | 22487.0 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I05) Pfam (PF00573) | Thermus thermophilus | |
6 | F, HB (AG, CG) | 50S ribosomal protein L5 | polymer | 181 | 20944.4 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I16) Pfam (PF00281) Pfam (PF00673) | Thermus thermophilus | |
7 | G, IB (AH, CH) | 50S ribosomal protein L6 | polymer | 159 | 17363.1 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I19) Pfam (PF00347) | Thermus thermophilus | |
8 | H, JB (AI, CI) | 50S ribosomal protein L9 | polymer | 145 | 16107.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72GV5) Pfam (PF01281) Pfam (PF03948) | Thermus thermophilus | |
9 | I, KB (AJ, CJ) | 50S ribosomal protein L13 | polymer | 137 | 15568.5 | 2 | UniProt (Q72IN1) Pfam (PF00572) | Thermus thermophilus | |
10 | J, LB (AK, CK) | 50S ribosomal protein L14 | polymer | 122 | 13309.6 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I14) Pfam (PF00238) | Thermus thermophilus | |
11 | K, MB (AL, CL) | 50S ribosomal protein L15 | polymer | 146 | 15858.5 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I23) Pfam (PF00828) | Thermus thermophilus | |
12 | L, NB (AM, CM) | 50S ribosomal protein L16 | polymer | 134 | 15148.8 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I11) Pfam (PF00252) | Thermus thermophilus | |
13 | M, OB (AN, CN) | 50S ribosomal protein L17 | polymer | 117 | 13619.0 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I33) Pfam (PF01196) | Thermus thermophilus | |
14 | N, PB (AO, CO) | 50S ribosomal protein L18 | polymer | 98 | 10941.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I20) Pfam (PF00861) | Thermus thermophilus | |
15 | O, QB (AP, CP) | 50S ribosomal protein L19 | polymer | 137 | 16247.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72JU9) Pfam (PF01245) | Thermus thermophilus | |
16 | P, RB (AQ, CQ) | 50S ribosomal protein L20 | polymer | 117 | 13648.1 | 2 | UniProt (Q72L76) Pfam (PF00453) | Thermus thermophilus | |
17 | Q, SB (AR, CR) | 50S ribosomal protein L21 | polymer | 101 | 11069.2 | 2 | UniProt (Q72HR2) Pfam (PF00829) | Thermus thermophilus | |
18 | R, TB (AS, CS) | 50S ribosomal protein L22 | polymer | 112 | 12678.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I09) Pfam (PF00237) | Thermus thermophilus | |
19 | S, UB (AT, CT) | 50S ribosomal protein L23 | polymer | 92 | 10273.1 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I06) Pfam (PF00276) | Thermus thermophilus | |
20 | T, VB (AU, CU) | 50S ribosomal protein L24 | polymer | 100 | 11078.5 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I15) Pfam (PF00467) Pfam (PF17136) | Thermus thermophilus | |
21 | U, WB (AV, CV) | 50S ribosomal protein L25 | polymer | 187 | 21021.1 | 2 | UniProt (Q72IA7) Pfam (PF01386) Pfam (PF14693) | Thermus thermophilus | |
22 | V, XB (AW, CW) | 50S ribosomal protein L27 | polymer | 76 | 8587.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72HR3) Pfam (PF01016) | Thermus thermophilus | |
23 | W, YB (AX, CX) | 50S ribosomal protein L28 | polymer | 88 | 9884.7 | 2 | UniProt (Q72G84) Pfam (PF00830) | Thermus thermophilus | |
24 | X, ZB (AY, CY) | 50S ribosomal protein L29 | polymer | 62 | 7457.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I12) Pfam (PF00831) | Thermus thermophilus | |
25 | AC, Y (AZ, CZ) | 50S ribosomal protein L30 | polymer | 59 | 6670.0 | 2 | UniProt (Q72I22) Pfam (PF00327) | Thermus thermophilus | |
26 | BC, Z (A1, C1) | 50S ribosomal protein L31 | polymer | 30 | 3278.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72JR0) Pfam (PF01197) | Thermus thermophilus | |
27 | AA, CC (A2, C2) | 50S ribosomal protein L32 | polymer | 52 | 5818.9 | 2 | UniProt (P62652) Pfam (PF01783) | Thermus thermophilus | |
28 | BA, DC (A3, C3) | 50S ribosomal protein L33 | polymer | 44 | 5473.4 | 2 | UniProt (Q72GW3) Pfam (PF00471) | Thermus thermophilus | |
29 | CA, EC (A4, C4) | 50S ribosomal protein L34 | polymer | 48 | 5975.3 | 2 | UniProt (P80340) Pfam (PF00468) | Thermus thermophilus | |
30 | DA, FC (A5, C5) | 50S ribosomal protein L35 | polymer | 63 | 7245.9 | 2 | UniProt (Q72L77) Pfam (PF01632) | Thermus thermophilus | |
31 | EA, GC (BA, DA) | 16S ribosomal RNA | polymer | 1504 | 488431.2 | 2 | GenBank (AE017221.1) | Thermus thermophilus | |
32 | FA, HC (BB, DB) | 30S ribosomal protein S2 | polymer | 234 | 26987.3 | 2 | UniProt (P62662) Pfam (PF00318) | Thermus thermophilus | |
33 | GA, IC (BC, DC) | 30S ribosomal protein S3 | polymer | 206 | 22862.4 | 2 | UniProt (P62663) Pfam (PF07650) Pfam (PF00189) | Thermus thermophilus | |
34 | HA, JC (BD, DD) | 30S ribosomal protein S4 | polymer | 208 | 24242.3 | 2 | UniProt (P62664) Pfam (PF00163) Pfam (PF01479) | Thermus thermophilus | |
35 | IA, KC (BE, DE) | 30S ribosomal protein S5 | polymer | 151 | 16460.2 | 2 | UniProt (P62665) Pfam (PF00333) Pfam (PF03719) | Thermus thermophilus | |
36 | JA, LC (BF, DF) | 30S ribosomal protein S6 | polymer | 101 | 11988.8 | 2 | UniProt (P62666) Pfam (PF01250) | Thermus thermophilus | |
37 | KA, MC (BG, DG) | 30S ribosomal protein S7 | polymer | 155 | 17919.8 | 2 | UniProt (P62667) Pfam (PF00177) | Thermus thermophilus | |
38 | LA, NC (BH, DH) | 30S ribosomal protein S8 | polymer | 138 | 15868.6 | 2 | UniProt (P62668) Pfam (PF00410) | Thermus thermophilus | |
39 | MA, OC (BI, DI) | 30S ribosomal protein S9 | polymer | 127 | 14298.5 | 2 | UniProt (P62669) Pfam (PF00380) | Thermus thermophilus | |
40 | NA, PC (BJ, DJ) | 30S ribosomal protein S10 | polymer | 98 | 11299.2 | 2 | UniProt (P62653) Pfam (PF00338) | Thermus thermophilus | |
41 | OA, QC (BK, DK) | 30S ribosomal protein S11 | polymer | 114 | 12014.7 | 2 | UniProt (P62654) Pfam (PF00411) | Thermus thermophilus | |
42 | PA, RC (BL, DL) | 30S ribosomal protein S12 | polymer | 122 | 13604.1 | 2 | UniProt (P61941) Pfam (PF00164) | Thermus thermophilus | |
43 | QA, SC (BM, DM) | 30S ribosomal protein S13 | polymer | 117 | 13308.5 | 2 | UniProt (P62655) Pfam (PF00416) | Thermus thermophilus | |
44 | RA, TC (BN, DN) | 30S ribosomal protein S14 | polymer | 60 | 7027.5 | 2 | UniProt (P62656) Pfam (PF00253) | Thermus thermophilus | |
45 | SA, UC (BO, DO) | 30S ribosomal protein S15 | polymer | 88 | 10447.2 | 2 | UniProt (P62657) Pfam (PF00312) | Thermus thermophilus | |
46 | TA, VC (BP, DP) | 30S ribosomal protein S16 | polymer | 83 | 9924.5 | 2 | UniProt (P62238) Pfam (PF00886) | Thermus thermophilus | |
47 | UA, WC (BQ, DQ) | 30S ribosomal protein S17 | polymer | 99 | 11721.9 | 2 | UniProt (P62658) Pfam (PF00366) | Thermus thermophilus | |
48 | VA, XC (BR, DR) | 30S ribosomal protein S18 | polymer | 70 | 8155.8 | 2 | UniProt (P62659) Pfam (PF01084) | Thermus thermophilus | |
49 | WA, YC (BS, DS) | 30S ribosomal protein S19 | polymer | 78 | 8949.4 | 2 | UniProt (P62660) Pfam (PF00203) | Thermus thermophilus | |
50 | XA, ZC (BT, DT) | 30S ribosomal protein S20 | polymer | 99 | 10907.1 | 2 | UniProt (P62661) Pfam (PF01649) | Thermus thermophilus | |
51 | AD, YA (BU, DU) | 30S ribosomal protein Thx | polymer | 24 | 2960.5 | 2 | UniProt (P62613) Pfam (PF17070) | Thermus thermophilus | |
52 | AB, BD, CD, ZA (BV, BW, DV, DW) | tRNA | polymer | 77 | 24802.8 | 4 | Escherichia coli | ||
53 | BB, DD (BX, DX) | mRNA | polymer | 5 | 1594.0 | 2 | Synthetic DNA | ||
54 | ED, ZJE (AA, CA) | BLASTICIDIN S | non-polymer | 422.4 | 2 | Chemie (BLS) | |||
55 | AAA, AAB, AAC, AAD, AAE... (AA, BA, CA, DA, AB...) | MAGNESIUM ION | non-polymer | 24.3 | 4363 | Chemie (MG) | |||
56 | DNF, LBC, QMF, YBC (DN, BD, DD, BN) | ZINC ION | non-polymer | 65.4 | 4 | Chemie (ZN) |
Sequence modifications
AA, CA: 6 - 2897 (GenBank: AE017221.1)
BM, DM: 2 - 117 (UniProt: P62655)
PDB | External Database | Details |
C 276 | A 1534789 | conflict |
A 277 | C 1534790 | conflict |
U 1142 | C 1535654 | conflict |
U 2825 | G 1537301 | conflict |
PDB | External Database | Details |
Ala 118 | - | expression tag |
Sequence viewer
Contents of the asymmetric unit
Polymers | Number of chains | 108 |
Total formula weight | 4310541.9 | |
Non-Polymers* | Number of molecules | 4369 |
Total formula weight | 107149.2 | |
All* | Total formula weight | 4417691.2 |