The closed state of RGLG1 mutant-E378A
Functional Information from PDB Data
site_id | AC1 |
Number of Residues | 6 |
Details | binding site for residue MG B 501 |
Chain | Residue |
B | THR164 |
B | SER166 |
B | ASP286 |
B | HOH638 |
B | HOH671 |
B | HOH714 |
site_id | AC2 |
Number of Residues | 7 |
Details | binding site for residue NA B 502 |
Chain | Residue |
B | LEU209 |
B | HOH611 |
B | HOH644 |
B | HOH690 |
B | ASN156 |
B | ASP205 |
B | ASP207 |