Cryo-EM Structure of Hepatitis B virus T=3 capsid in complex with the fluorescent allosteric modulator HAP-TAMRA
Functional Information from GO Data
Functional Information from PDB Data
site_id | AC1 |
Number of Residues | 17 |
Details | binding site for residue E9D B 201 |
Chain | Residue |
C | VAL124 |
B | ILE105 |
B | SER106 |
B | THR109 |
B | PHE110 |
B | TYR118 |
B | ASN136 |
B | ILE139 |
B | LEU140 |
C | TYR132 |
C | PRO134 |
B | PHE23 |
B | PRO25 |
B | ASP29 |
B | LEU30 |
B | THR33 |
B | TRP102 |