Engineered variant of I-OnuI meganuclease with improved thermostability and E178D mutation at catalytic site
Experimental procedure
Experimental method | SINGLE WAVELENGTH |
Source type | ROTATING ANODE |
Source details | RIGAKU MICROMAX-007 HF |
Temperature [K] | 108 |
Detector technology | CCD |
Collection date | 2019-10-04 |
Detector | RIGAKU SATURN 944+ |
Wavelength(s) | 1.5418 |
Spacegroup name | P 21 21 21 |
Unit cell lengths | 39.324, 73.516, 163.526 |
Unit cell angles | 90.00, 90.00, 90.00 |
Refinement procedure
Resolution | 24.430 - 2.220 |
R-factor | 0.197 |
Rwork | 0.193 |
R-free | 0.24060 |
Structure solution method | MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT |
Starting model (for MR) | 3qqy |
Data reduction software | HKL-2000 |
Data scaling software | HKL-2000 |
Phasing software | PHASER (2.8.1) |
Refinement software | PHENIX (1.17_3644) |
Data quality characteristics
Overall | Inner shell | Outer shell | |
Low resolution limit [Å] | 50.000 | 50.000 | 2.300 |
High resolution limit [Å] | 2.220 | 4.780 | 2.220 |
Rmerge | 0.057 | 0.033 | 0.341 |
Rmeas | 0.062 | 0.036 | 0.381 |
Rpim | 0.024 | 0.014 | 0.166 |
Total number of observations | 158867 | ||
Number of reflections | 24263 | 2619 | 2307 |
<I/σ(I)> | 11.4 | ||
Completeness [%] | 99.5 | 98.9 | 95.8 |
Redundancy | 6.5 | 6.7 | 5 |
CC(1/2) | 0.999 | 0.909 |
Crystallization Conditions
crystal ID | method | pH | temperature | details |
1 | VAPOR DIFFUSION, HANGING DROP | 293 | 200mM Calcium acetate, 100mM sodium acetate pH 5.5, 100mM sodium acetate pH 6.0, 35% PEG 400 |