All obsolete PDB entries with X-ray structure factor data
The below obsoleted entries have been excluded from the current PDB database.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
4r1w was replaced with 4rvo on 2015-03-18 |
4uyc was replaced with 5afp on 2015-03-18 |
4igc was replaced with 4yg2 on 2015-03-18 |
3u42 was replaced with 4reo on 2015-03-18 |
4uq7 was replaced with 4d52 on 2015-03-11 |
4ah5 was replaced with 4d4u on 2015-03-11 |
4u29 was replaced with 4yir on 2015-03-11 |
4gns was replaced with 4yg8 on 2015-03-11 |
4oxa was obsoleted on 2015-03-11 |
4wos was replaced with 4ydu on 2015-03-11 |
3jqu was replaced with 4tn9 on 2015-03-11 |
2goi was replaced with 4yf2 on 2015-03-11 |
4pi4 was replaced with 4xui on 2015-03-11 |
4g1s was replaced with 4p6a on 2015-03-04 |
3rd1 was replaced with 4y0v on 2015-03-04 |
2afk was replaced with 4wzb on 2015-02-25 |
4twx was replaced with 4wy3 on 2015-02-18 |
3zdk was replaced with 5aho on 2015-02-18 |
2you was replaced with 5aer on 2015-02-18 |
4cds was replaced with 4ueu on 2015-02-18 |
2yov was replaced with 5aeq on 2015-02-18 |
3lfx was replaced with 4xtk on 2015-02-11 |
4ii6 was replaced with 4wvd on 2015-02-11 |
3brr was replaced with 4xc4 on 2015-02-11 |
4wb1 was replaced with 4xrr on 2015-02-11 |