All obsoleted PDB entries
The below obsoleted entries have been excluded from the current PDB database.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
2fab was replaced with 1 (7fab) on 1981-12-08 |
1fd1 was replaced with 1 (5fd1) on 1981-12-08 |
251c was replaced with 351c on 1981-10-02 |
2adh was obsoleted on 1981-08-29 |
1adh was obsoleted on 1981-08-29 |
1hmn was replaced with 1 (2hmq) on 1981-07-16 |
2rsa was replaced with 1 (5rsa) on 1981-05-21 |
2cyt was replaced with 1 (5cyt) on 1980-09-16 |
1cyt was replaced with 3cyt on 1980-09-16 |
1gch was replaced with 2gch on 1980-07-09 |
1ssi was replaced with 1 (3ssi) on 1980-07-09 |
1wga was replaced with 1 (9wga) on 1980-07-09 |
1sod was replaced with 2sod on 1980-05-07 |
1act was replaced with 2act on 1980-03-07 |
3adh was replaced with 1 (8adh) on 1979-09-11 |
1sgb was replaced with 1 (3sgb) on 1979-07-17 |
1fab was replaced with 1 (7fab) on 1979-07-10 |
7tna was replaced with 1 (1tra) on 1979-03-14 |
1bcl was replaced with 1 (4bcl) on 1979-02-23 |
2tna was replaced with 1 (1tra) on 1979-02-06 |
5tna was replaced with 6tna on 1979-01-16 |
151c was replaced with 1 (351c) on 1978-10-30 |
1tna was replaced with 1 (6tna) on 1978-07-21 |
1yhx was replaced with 2yhx on 1978-05-23 |
3tna was replaced with 4tna on 1978-05-17 |