All obsoleted PDB entries
The below obsoleted entries have been excluded from the current PDB database.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
1e6t was replaced with 2bu1 on 2005-08-18 |
1mfh was replaced with 2akq on 2005-08-16 |
1kyg was replaced with 1yep on 2005-08-16 |
1az9 was replaced with 1wl9 on 2005-08-16 |
1lz3 was replaced with 135l on 2005-08-09 |
1zhd was replaced with 1vry on 2005-07-26 |
1zep was replaced with 2a8b on 2005-07-19 |
1t2g was replaced with 2a4j on 2005-07-12 |
1se1 was replaced with 1vrs on 2005-07-12 |
1c0d was replaced with 1vrx on 2005-07-05 |
1nhd was replaced with 1vrw on 2005-07-05 |
1j3v was replaced with 2cvz on 2005-06-28 |
1wdh was replaced with 1zs9 on 2005-06-21 |
1og8 was replaced with 2buh on 2005-06-16 |
1og9 was replaced with 2bui on 2005-06-16 |
1vkv was replaced with 1zwj on 2005-06-14 |
1vgs was replaced with 2cv4 on 2005-06-14 |
1ked was replaced with 1z7j on 2005-06-07 |
1yuv was replaced with 1vrr on 2005-06-07 |
1o7r was replaced with 1vzt on 2005-05-26 |
1rko was replaced with 1zkn on 2005-05-17 |
1usj was replaced with 2bi7 on 2005-05-05 |
1n16 was replaced with 1vrp on 2005-05-03 |
1xg9 was replaced with 1zgh on 2005-05-03 |
3hfl was replaced with 1yqv on 2005-04-26 |