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[wwPDB] wwPDB Events at IUCr

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wwPDB is celebrating its 20th anniversary. wwPDB is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

Meet wwPDB members from around the globe at the 26th General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) in Melbourne, Australia from August 22-29.

Visit the wwPDB booth #26 in the exhibition hall and receive a special gift commemorating the 20th anniversary of the wwPDB. Learn about the latest wwPDB news, including Updated Annotation and Standardization of Peptide Residues, how to Access Depositions Using ORCiD, and more.

Other wwPDB events include:

  • Wednesday August 23 in session A090: Biomolecular SAS and Integrative methods: Standards and Validation, Brinda Vallat (RCSB PDB) will speak about PDB-Dev: A prototype system for archiving integrative structures
  • Saturday August 26: Director Stephen K. Burley will present his Keynote Lecture Driving Knowledge Discovery at RCSB.org: A one-stop-shop for exploration of experimentally determined PDB structures and Computed Structure Models
  • Sunday August 27 in session A009/A010: Use and Comparison of Predicted Models from Primary Sequence in Structural Biology and Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence in Structural Biology, Dennis Piehl (RCSB PDB) will describe Exploring experimentally-determined structures and computed structure models from artificial intelligence/machine learning at RCSB Protein Data Bank
  • Tuesday August 29 in session A014: Databases and Data Management, Genji Kurisu (PDBj) will present Protein Data Bank Japan: the Asian hub of 3D macromolecular structural data and Christine Zardecki (RCSB PDB) will present RCSB Protein Data Bank: Sustaining a living digital data resource that enables breakthroughs in scientific research and biomedical education

The wwPDB Foundation will be sponsoring two awards of $250USD each that will be presented to the best posters from research presented in the Biological Macromolecule field by students (including undergraduates, postgraduates (Masters) and PhD) at the Congress.

Consider supporting 50 years of PDB's spirit of openness, cooperation, and education with a donation to the wwPDB Foundation. The wwPDB Foundation was established in 2010 to raise funds in support of the outreach activities of the wwPDB, including poster prizes that will be awarded throughout 2023.

IUCr will meet August 22-29, 2023 IUCr will meet August 22-29, 2023

[ wwPDB News ]

Created: 2023-08-17 (last edited: more than 1 year ago)2023-08-25


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