The structure of the orthorhombic (P212121) crystal form of beef liver catalase at 1.85 A resolution
Experimental procedure
Experimental method | SINGLE WAVELENGTH |
Source type | SYNCHROTRON |
Source details | ALS BEAMLINE 8.3.1 |
Synchrotron site | ALS |
Beamline | 8.3.1 |
Temperature [K] | 173 |
Detector technology | PIXEL |
Collection date | 2018-07-15 |
Detector | DECTRIS PILATUS 300K |
Wavelength(s) | 1.1158 |
Spacegroup name | P 21 21 21 |
Unit cell lengths | 83.984, 140.386, 228.177 |
Unit cell angles | 90.00, 90.00, 90.00 |
Refinement procedure
Resolution | 119.570 - 1.750 |
R-factor | 0.1748 |
Rwork | 0.173 |
R-free | 0.20660 |
Structure solution method | MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT |
RMSD bond length | 0.008 |
RMSD bond angle | 1.434 |
Data reduction software | XDS |
Data scaling software | Aimless (0.5.28) |
Phasing software | PHASER |
Refinement software | REFMAC (5.8.0238) |
Data quality characteristics
Overall | Outer shell | |
Low resolution limit [Å] | 228.180 | 1.780 |
High resolution limit [Å] | 1.750 | 1.750 |
Rmerge | 0.152 | 6.333 |
Rmeas | 0.156 | 7.314 |
Rpim | 0.033 | 3.520 |
Total number of observations | 4257522 | |
Number of reflections | 202103 | 1168 |
<I/σ(I)> | 12.6 | |
Completeness [%] | 74.7 | 8.9 |
Redundancy | 21.1 | 3.7 |
CC(1/2) | 0.999 | 0.062 |
Crystallization Conditions
crystal ID | method | pH | temperature | details |
1 | VAPOR DIFFUSION, SITTING DROP | 6.5 | 298 | Crystals grown from 20 mM magnesium formate in 0.1 M Mes pH 6.5 reservoirs with drops equal amounts of 40 mg/ml catalase in water and the reservoir solution. Generally 2 to 6 days at room temperature. |