Structure of the ClpC N-terminal domain from an alkaliphilic Bacillus lehensis G1 species
Experimental procedure
Experimental method | SINGLE WAVELENGTH |
Source type | ROTATING ANODE |
Source details | RIGAKU MICROMAX-007 HF |
Temperature [K] | 100 |
Detector technology | IMAGE PLATE |
Collection date | 2012-12-06 |
Detector | RIGAKU RAXIS IV++ |
Wavelength(s) | 1.54178 |
Spacegroup name | P 65 |
Unit cell lengths | 84.620, 84.620, 32.150 |
Unit cell angles | 90.00, 90.00, 120.00 |
Refinement procedure
Resolution | 36.641 - 1.850 |
R-factor | 0.2114 |
Rwork | 0.210 |
R-free | 0.24040 |
Structure solution method | MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT |
RMSD bond length | 0.006 |
RMSD bond angle | 0.955 |
Refinement software | PHENIX ((phenix.refine: 1.8.2_1309)) |
Data quality characteristics
Overall | Outer shell | |
Low resolution limit [Å] | 73.290 | 73.290 |
High resolution limit [Å] | 1.850 | 1.850 |
Rmerge | 0.058 | 0.058 |
Number of reflections | 11473 | |
<I/σ(I)> | 19.6 | 19.6 |
Completeness [%] | 99.6 | 99.6 |
Redundancy | 6.85 | 6.85 |
Crystallization Conditions
crystal ID | method | pH | temperature | details |
1 | VAPOR DIFFUSION, HANGING DROP | 4.2 | 292.15 | Protein crystallization was carried out using the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method using 24-well Limbro tissue culture plates (ICN Inc.) at 19C. Drops were formed by mixing equal volumes (1 ul) of protein solution at 50 mg/mL and the reservoir solution containing 0.1M phosphate-citrate pH 4.2 20% polyethylene glycol 1000, 0.2M lithium sulphate. Hexagonal crystals appeared after 20-30 days |