The roles of glutamates and metal ions in a rationally designed nitric oxide reductase based on myoglobin: Fe(II)-I107E FeBMb (Fe(II) binding to FeB site)
Experimental procedure
Experimental method | SINGLE WAVELENGTH |
Source type | SYNCHROTRON |
Source details | NSLS BEAMLINE X12C |
Synchrotron site | NSLS |
Beamline | X12C |
Detector technology | CCD |
Collection date | 2009-04-29 |
Detector | MAR CCD 165 mm |
Wavelength(s) | 1.0890 |
Spacegroup name | P 21 21 21 |
Unit cell lengths | 39.760, 46.550, 74.120 |
Unit cell angles | 90.00, 90.00, 90.00 |
Refinement procedure
Resolution | 10.000 - 1.650 |
Rwork | 0.213 |
R-free | 0.25100 |
Structure solution method | AB INITIO |
RMSD bond length | 0.007 |
RMSD bond angle | 0.023 |
Phasing software | SHELX |
Refinement software | SHELXL-97 |
Data quality characteristics
Overall | |
Low resolution limit [Å] | 39.420 |
High resolution limit [Å] | 1.650 |
Rmerge | 0.110 |
Number of reflections | 16693 |
Crystallization Conditions
crystal ID | method | pH | temperature | details |
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