All obsoleted PDB entries
The below obsoleted entries have been excluded from the current PDB database.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
3dpv was replaced with 4dpv on 1997-04-01 |
1hiu was replaced with 2hiu on 1997-04-01 |
1stt was replaced with 2stt on 1997-03-12 |
1ncm was replaced with 2ncm on 1997-03-12 |
1stw was replaced with 2stw on 1997-03-12 |
3fxn was replaced with 5nll on 1997-03-12 |
1bnh was replaced with 2bnh on 1997-03-12 |
1eck was replaced with 2eck on 1997-03-12 |
4fxn was replaced with 2fox on 1997-03-12 |
1bgh was replaced with 1vqb on 1997-02-12 |
273d was replaced with 309d on 1997-02-12 |
1adm was replaced with 2adm on 1997-01-27 |
1mys was replaced with 2mys on 1997-01-11 |
1hvm was replaced with 2hvm on 1997-01-11 |
1caf was replaced with 2cah on 1997-01-11 |
1mbw was replaced with 2mbw on 1996-12-23 |
3aah was replaced with 4aah on 1996-12-08 |
1eng was replaced with 2eng on 1996-12-08 |
1pel was replaced with 2pel on 1996-12-08 |
1cae was replaced with 1 (1m85) on 1996-12-07 |
1gsr was replaced with 2gsr on 1996-11-08 |
1eip was replaced with 2eip on 1996-11-08 |
1gmf was replaced with 2gmf on 1996-11-08 |
1hid was replaced with 2hid on 1996-11-08 |
1tsa was replaced with 2tsa on 1996-11-08 |