REST interface
Many services accessible via the new web interface work via a REST interface. This REST interface is publicly
available for users. Examples are also available.
The PDBj REST services are available under the /rest/ URL.
The PDBj REST services are available under the /rest/ URL.
Search API
URL | |
Input |
Output | Returns a JSON encoded list of matches per field (category) |
Description | Does a surface search (e.g. only IDs and titles and such) of all PDBj databases |
URL | |
Input |
Output | JSON encoded object containing meta data (e.g. number of results) and a list of results (if noro=0) |
Description | PDBj Mine PDB search |
URL | |
Input |
Output | JSON encoded object containing meta data (e.g. number of results) and a list of results (if noro=0) |
Description | Quick search PDBj Mine ligand |
URL | |
Input |
Output | JSON encoded object containing meta data (e.g. number of results) and a list of results (if noro=0) |
Description | Quick search PDBj Mine BIRD |
URL | |
Input |
Output | JSON encoded object containing meta data (e.g. number of results) and a list of results (if noro=0) |
Description | Search unreleased entries (status search) |
URL | |
Input |
Output | JSON encoded object containing meta data (e.g. number of results) and a list of results (if noro=0) |
Description | Retrieves a list of matching blog posts matching a query |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Query results in the selected format |
Description | Performs a SQL query against the Mine 2 RDB |
Mine entry API
URL | |
Input |
Output | Requested file (as a stream) given an entry ID |
Description | Downloads a file for viewing given an entry ID |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Requested location of the file given an entry ID |
Description | Returns the location of the file on within the PDBj data area for viewing given an entry ID |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Download request objects (splitted) |
Description | Returns an array of download requests objects (in JSON format) that can each be fed to /rest/newweb/batch-download |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Download request objects (splitted) |
Description | Returns an array of download requests objects that can each be fed to /rest/newweb/batch-download |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Requested data items for the requested entries in the requested format |
Description | Extracts arbitrary metadata from the PDB (replaces the old CIF query service) |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Requested tables/categories for the requested entries in mmjson format |
Description | Extracts tables/categories of entries in mmjson format from the RDB |
Misc API
URL | |
Input |
Output | EDMap in ccp4 format |
Description | Generates a local EDMap for a given entry |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Results in custom json format |
Description | Executes BLAST for a given pdbid/chainid or custom sequence |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Results in custom json format |
Description | Clusters given entries |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Raw promode elastic data in tgz compressed file |
Description | Fetches the raw promode data file |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Results in RSS format |
Description | Fetches a list of news posts in RSS format |
URL | |
Input |
Output | Results in JSON format |
Description | Fetches a list of blog posts and files in JSON format |
Created: 2018-06-22 (last edited: more than 1 year ago)