分子量: 41870.371 Da / 分子数: 1 変異: L24R W194F W215Y E242Q K244N L269S P270Q K274A W276F R277F V355L K356E I357V T358L L359F L360Q S361G A362P P382D T383H D384F Q386W N387S 由来タイプ: 組換発現 詳細: all residues that are present in the sample sequence but not in the PDB file could not be modelled due to missing electron density 由来: (組換発現) Homo sapiens (ヒト) / 遺伝子: SERPINA3, AACT, GIG24, GIG25 / 発現宿主: Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) (大腸菌) / Variant (発現宿主): Star / 参照: UniProt: P01011
分子量: 4744.624 Da / 分子数: 1 変異: L24R W194F W215Y E242Q K244N L269S P270Q K274A W276F R277F V355L K356E I357V T358L L359F L360Q S361G A362P P382D T383H D384F Q386W N387S 由来タイプ: 組換発現 詳細: all residues that are present in the sample sequence but not in the PDB file could not be modelled due to missing electron density 由来: (組換発現) Homo sapiens (ヒト) / 遺伝子: SERPINA3, AACT, GIG24, GIG25 / 発現宿主: Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) (大腸菌) / Variant (発現宿主): Star / 参照: UniProt: P01011