温度: 292 K / 手法: 蒸気拡散法, シッティングドロップ法 / pH: 7 詳細: 1.0 ul of 20 mg/ml protein solution (in 10 mM HEPES pH 7.0 and 20 mM NaCl) and 1.0 ul of precipitant solution containing 60% Tacsimate, pH 7.0 using sitting drop method. Rod-shaped crystals ...詳細: 1.0 ul of 20 mg/ml protein solution (in 10 mM HEPES pH 7.0 and 20 mM NaCl) and 1.0 ul of precipitant solution containing 60% Tacsimate, pH 7.0 using sitting drop method. Rod-shaped crystals of approximately 100-150 um grew in 3-4 days. Crystals were cryo-protected in precipitant solution containing 10% glycerol by soaking for 2-5 minutes before flash-freezing in liquid nitrogen