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Showing all 36 items for (author: slotboom & dj)
ASCT2 trimer in lipid nanodiscs with bound glutamine and Na+ ions in the outward-facing state (OFS)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
ASCT2 protomer in lipid nanodiscs with bound glutamine and Na+ ions in the outward-facing state (OFS.1)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
ASCT2 protomer in lipid nanodiscs with bound glutamine and Na+ ions in the outward-facing state (OFS.2)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
ASCT2 protomer in lipid nanodiscs with bound glutamine and Na+ ions in the outward-facing state (OFS.3)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
ASCT2 protomer in lipid nanodiscs with bound glutamine and Na+ ions in the intermediate outward-facing state (iOFS-up)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
ASCT2 protomer in lipid nanodiscs with bound glutamine and Na+ ions in the intermediate outward-facing state (iOFS-down)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
ASCT2 protomer in lipid nanodiscs under low Na+ concentration in the outward-facing state (OFS)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
ASCT2 protomer in lipid nanodiscs under low Na+ concentration in the intermediate outward-facing state (iOFS-up)
Method: single particle / : Borowska A, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
Cryo-EM structure of the folate-specific ECF transporter complex in MSP2N2 lipid nanodiscs bound to ATP and ADP
Method: single particle / : Thangaratnarajah C, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
Cryo-EM structure of the folate-specific ECF transporter complex in MSP2N2 lipid nanodiscs bound to AMP-PNP
Method: single particle / : Thangaratnarajah C, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
Cryo-EM structure of the wild-type solitary ECF module in MSP2N2 lipid nanodiscs in the ATPase open and nucleotide-free conformation
Method: single particle / : Thangaratnarajah C, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
Cryo-EM structure of the wild-type solitary ECF module in DDM micelles in the ATPase open and nucleotide-free conformation
Method: single particle / : Thangaratnarajah C, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
Cryo-EM structure of the mutant solitary ECF module 2EQ in MSP2N2 lipid nanodiscs in the ATPase closed and ATP-bound conformation
Method: single particle / : Thangaratnarajah C, Rheinberger J, Paulino C, Slotboom DJ
Cryo-EM structure of a substrate-bound glutamate transporter homologue GltTk encapsulated within a nanodisc
Method: single particle / : Whittaker JJ, Guskov A
ASCT2 in the presence of the inhibitor Lc-BPE in the outward-open conformation.
Method: single particle / : Garibsingh RA, Ndaru E
ASCT2 in the presence of the inhibitor ERA-21 in the outward-open conformation.
Method: single particle / : Garibsingh RA, Ndaru E
Structure of glutamate transporter homologue in complex with Sybody
Method: single particle / : Arkhipova V, Slotboom DJ
Cryo-EM structure of the folate-specific ECF transporter complex in DDM micelles
Method: single particle / : Thangaratnarajah C, Rheinberger J
Cryo-EM structure of the folate-specific ECF transporter complex in MSP2N2 lipid nanodiscs
Method: single particle / : Thangaratnarajah C, Rheinberger J
Cryo-EM map of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in complex with sybody#15 and sybody#68 in a 3up conformation.
Method: single particle / : Walter JD, Hutter CAJ, Garaeva AA, Scherer M, Zimmermann I, Wyss M, Rheinberger J, Ruedin Y, Earp JC, Egloff P, Sorgenfrei M, Huerlimann LM, Gonda I, Meier G, Remm S, Thavarasah S, Zimmer G, Slotboom DJ, Paulino C, Plattet P, Seeger MA
Cryo-EM map of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in complex with sybody#15 and sybody#68 in a 1up/1up-out/1down conformation.
Method: single particle / : Walter JD, Hutter CAJ, Garaeva AA, Scherer M, Zimmermann I, Wyss M, Rheinberger J, Ruedin Y, Earp JC, Egloff P, Sorgenfrei M, Huerlimann LM, Gonda I, Meier G, Remm S, Thavarasah S, Zimmer G, Slotboom DJ, Paulino C, Plattet P, Seeger MA
Cryo-EM map of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in complex with sybody#15 in a 1up/1up-out/1down conformation.
Method: single particle / : Walter JD, Hutter CAJ, Garaeva AA, Scherer M, Zimmermann I, Wyss M, Rheinberger J, Ruedin Y, Earp JC, Egloff P, Sorgenfrei M, Huerlimann LM, Gonda I, Meier G, Remm S, Thavarasah S, Zimmer G, Slotboom DJ, Paulino C, Plattet P, Seeger MA
Cryo-EM map of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in complex with sybody#68 in a 2up/1flexible conformation.
Method: single particle / : Walter JD, Hutter CAJ, Garaeva AA, Scherer M, Zimmermann I, Wyss M, Rheinberger J, Ruedin Y, Earp JC, Egloff P, Sorgenfrei M, Huerlimann LM, Gonda I, Meier G, Remm S, Thavarasah S, Zimmer G, Slotboom DJ, Paulino C, Plattet P, Seeger MA
Cryo-EM map of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in complex with sybody#68 in a 1up/2down conformation.
Method: single particle / : Walter JD, Hutter CAJ, Garaeva AA, Scherer M, Zimmermann I, Wyss M, Rheinberger J, Ruedin Y, Earp JC, Egloff P, Sorgenfrei M, Huerlimann LM, Gonda I, Meier G, Remm S, Thavarasah S, Zimmer G, Slotboom DJ, Paulino C, Plattet P, Seeger MA
The structure of ABC transporter Rv1819c without addition of substrate
Method: single particle / : Rempel S, Gati C
The structure of ABC transporter Rv1819c in AMP-PNP bound state
Method: single particle / : Rempel S, Gati C
Structure of glutamate transporter homologue GltTk in the presence of TBOA inhibitor
Method: single particle / : Arkhipova V, Slotboom DJ
Structure of glutamate transporter homologue GltTk in the unsaturated conditions - inward-inward-outward configuration
Method: single particle / : Arkhipova V, Slotboom DJ
Structure of glutamate transporter homologue GltTk in unsaturated conditions - outward-outward-inward configuration
Method: single particle / : Arkhipova V, Slotboom DJ
Structure of glutamate transporter homologue GltTk in the saturated conditions
Method: single particle / : Arkhipova V, Slotboom DJ
Structure of glutamate transporter homologue GltTk in sodium only condition
Method: single particle / : Arkhipova V, Slotboom DJ
Inward-open structure of the ASCT2 (SLC1A5) mutant C467R in presence of TBOA
Method: single particle / : Garaeva AA, Guskov A
Inward-open structure of the ASCT2 (SLC1A5) in absence of substrate
Method: single particle / : Garaeva AA, Guskov A, Slotboom DJ, Paulino C
Inward-open structure of the ASCT2 (SLC1A5) mutant C467R in absence of substrate
Method: single particle / : Garaeva AA, Guskov A
cryo-EM structure of the human neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2
Method: single particle / : Garaeva AA, Oostergetel GT
The full-length structure of ZntB
Method: single particle / : Cornelius G, Stetsenko A, Scheres SHW, Slotboom DJ, Guskov A