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Showing all 16 items for (author: gorniak & i)
Xenopus laevis hyaluronan synthase 1
Method: single particle / : Gorniak I, Zimmer J
Xenopus laevis hyaluronan synthase 1, nascent HA polymer bound state
Method: single particle / : Gorniak I, Zimmer J
Xenopus laevis hyaluronan synthase 1, UDP-bound, gating loop inserted state
Method: single particle / : Gorniak I, Zimmer J
Chlorella virus Hyaluronan Synthase bound to GlcA extended GlcNAc primer
Method: single particle / : Stephens Z, Zimmer J
Chlorella virus Hyaluronan Synthase bound to GlcNAc primer and UDP-GlcA
Method: single particle / : Stephens Z, Zimmer J
Chlorella virus Hyaluronan Synthase bound to GlcA extended GlcNAc primer and UDP
Method: single particle / : Stephens Z, Zimmer J
Xenopus laevis hyaluronan synthase 1, nascent HA polymer bound state
Method: single particle / : Gorniak I, Zimmer J
Xenopus laevis hyaluronan synthase 1, UDP-bound, gating loop inserted state
Method: single particle / : Gorniak I, Zimmer J
CryoEM structure of the A. aeolicus WzmWzt transporter bound to the native O antigen
Method: single particle / : Spellmon N, Muszynski A, Vlach J, Zimmer J
CryoEM structure of the nucleotide-free and open channel A.aeolicus WzmWzt transporter
Method: single particle / : Spellmon N, Zimmer J, Vlach J
CryoEM structure of the A. aeolicus WzmWzt transporter bound to 3-O-methyl-D-mannose
Method: single particle / : Spellmon N, Zimmer J
CryoEM structure of the A. aeolicus WzmWzt transporter bound to the native O antigen and ADP
Method: single particle / : Spellmon N, Muszynski A, Vlach J, Zimmer J
CryoEM structure of the A.aeolicus WzmWzt transporter bound to ATP
Method: single particle / : Spellmon N, Zimmer J, Vlach J
CryoEM structure of the A. aeolicus WzmWzt transporter bound to ADP
Method: single particle / : Gorniak I, Zimmer J, Vlach J