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Showing 1 - 50 of 65 items for (author: arthur & cp)
CryoEM structure of the APO-BAM complex in DDM detergent
Method: single particle / : Sun D, Tegunov D, Payandeh J
CryoEM structure of BAM in complex with the PTB1 closed-state inhibitor (in DDM detergent)
Method: single particle / : Sun D, Tegunov D, Payandeh J
CryoEM structure of the APO-BAM complex in SMA nanodisc
Method: single particle / : Sun D, Tegunov D, Payandeh J
Structure of BAM complexed with PTB2 ligand in detergent
Method: single particle / : Sun D, Tegunov D, Payandeh J
CryoEM structure of BAM in complex with the PTB2 open-state inhibitor (in SMA nanodisc)
Method: single particle / : Sun D, Tegunov D, Payandeh J
Composite cryoEM map of CD20 in complex with wild type Rituximab Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Consensus cryoEM map of CD20 in complex with wild type Rituximab Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent map: Focused refinement of CD20 and Fab variable domain in complex of CD20 with Rituximab Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent map: Focused refinement of CD20 in complex of CD20 with Rituximab Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
CryoEM structure of CD20 in complex with engineered conformationally rigid Rituximab.4DS Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Consensus cryoEM map of CD20 in complex with engineered conformationally rigid Rituximab.4DS Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent map: Focused refinement of CD20 and Fab variable domains in complex of CD20 and Rituximab.4DS Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent map: Focused refinement of CD20 in complex of CD20 with Rituximab.4DS Fab
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
CryoEM structure of tryptase in complex with wild type anti-tryptase Fab E104.v1
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Johnson MC, Sudhamsu J
CryoEM structure of tryptase in complex with engineered conformationally rigid anti-tryptase Fab E104.v1.2DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Johnson MC, Sudhamsu J
CryoEM structure of tryptase in complex with engineered conformationally rigid anti-tryptase Fab E104.v1.4DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Johnson MC, Sudhamsu J
CryoEM structure of tryptase in complex with engineered conformationally rigid anti-tryptase Fab E104.v1.6DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Johnson MC, Sudhamsu J
Composite cryoEM map of Nav1.7 in complex with wild type Fab 7A9
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Consensus cryoEM map of Nav1.7 in complex with wild type Fab 7A9
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent EM map: Focused refinement of Fab 7A9 in complex of Nav1.7 and Fab 7A9
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent map: Focused refinement of Nav1.7 in complex of Nav1.7 and Fab 7A9
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Composite cryoEM map of Nav1.7 in complex with engineered conformationally rigid Fab 7A9.4DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Consensus cryoEM map of Nav1.7 in complex with engineered conformationally rigid Fab 7A9.4DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent map: Focused refinement of Fab 7A9.4DS in complex of Nav1.7 and Fab 7A9.4DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
Constituent map: Focused refinement of Nav1.7 in complex of Nav1.7 and Fab 7A9.4DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Sudhamsu J
CryoEM structure of Angiopoietin-2 in complex with engineered conformationally rigid Fab 5A12.6DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Sudhamsu J
CryoEM structure of GNE-1952-alkylated KRAS G12C in complex with engineered conformationally rigid Fab 2H11.4DS
Method: single particle / : Kung JE, Sudhamsu J
Single particle reconstruction of the human LINE-1 ORF2p without substrate (apo)
Method: single particle / : van Eeuwen T, Taylor MS, Rout MP
Structure of LINE-1 ORF2p with template:primer hybrid
Method: single particle / : van Eeuwen T, Taylor MS, Rout MP
Structure of LINE-1 ORF2p with an oligo(A) template
Method: single particle / : van Eeuwen T, Taylor MS, Rout MP
Structure of LINE-1 ORF2p with template:primer hybrid
Method: single particle / : van Eeuwen T, Taylor MS, Rout MP
Structure of LINE-1 ORF2p with an oligo(A) template
Method: single particle / : van Eeuwen T, Taylor MS, Rout MP
Structure of VSD4-NaV1.7-NaVPas channel chimera bound to the hybrid inhibitor GNE-1305
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Rohou AL, Bergeron P, Ortwine D, McKerall SJ, Hackos DH, Deng L, Chen J, Sutherlin D, Dragovich PS, Volgraf M, Wright MR, Payandeh J, Ciferri C, Tellis JC
Structure of VSD4-NaV1.7-NaVPas channel chimera bound to the acylsulfonamide inhibitor GDC-0310
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Rohou AL, Bergeron P, Ortwine D, McKerall SJ, Hackos DH, Deng L, Chen J, Sutherlin D, Dragovich PS, Volgraf M, Wright MR, Payandeh J, Ciferri C, Tellis JC
Structure of VSD4-NaV1.7-NaVPas channel chimera bound to the arylsulfonamide inhibitor GNE-3565
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Rohou AL, Bergeron P, Ortwine D, McKerall SJ, Hackos DH, Deng L, Chen J, Sutherlin D, Dragovich PS, Volgraf M, Wright MR, Payandeh J, Ciferri C, Tellis JC
Structure of VSD4-NaV1.7-NaVPas channel chimera bound to the hybrid inhibitor GNE-9296
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Jao CC, Arthur CP, Rohou AL, Bergeron P, Ortwine D, McKerall SJ, Hackos DH, Deng L, Chen J, Sutherlin D, Dragovich PS, Volgraf M, Wright MR, Payandeh J, Ciferri C, Tellis JC
Cryo-EM structure of the core human NADPH oxidase NOX2
Method: single particle / : Noreng S, Ota N, Sun Y, Masureel M, Payandeh J, Yi T, Koerber JT
Cryo-EM structure of the human Nax channel in complex with beta3 solved in nanodiscs
Method: single particle / : Noland CL, Kschonsak M, Ciferri C, Payandeh J
Cryo-EM structure of the human Nax channel in complex with beta3 solved in GDN
Method: single particle / : Noland CL, Kschonsak M
CryoEM structure of the HCMV Pentamer gH/gL/UL128/UL130/UL131A in complex with neutralizing fabs 2C12, 7I13 and 13H11
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Johnson MC
CryoEM structure of the HCMV Pentamer gH/gL/UL128/UL130/UL131A in complex with THBD and neutralizing fabs MSL-109 and 13H11
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Johnson MC
CryoEM structure of the HCMV Pentamer gH/gL/UL128/UL130/UL131A in complex with NRP2 and neutralizing fabs 8I21 and 13H11
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Johnson MC
CryoEM structure of 2x HCMV Pentamer gH/gL/UL128/UL130/UL131A in complex with NRP2 and 2x neutralizing fabs 8I21 and 13H11
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Johnson MC, Schelling R, Green EM, Rouge L, Ho H, Patel N, Kilic C, Kraft E, Arthur CP, Rohou AL, Comps-Agrar L, Martinez-Martin N, Perez L, Payandeh J, Ciferri C
Cryo-EM structure of the human NALCN channelosome NALCN-FAM155A-CaM-UNC79-UNC80 complex conformation 1
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Chua HC
Human NALCN-FAM155A-UNC79-UNC80 channelosome with CaM bound, conformation 2/2
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Chua HC
CryoEM structure of the HCMV Trimer gHgLgO in complex with neutralizing fabs 13H11 and MSL-109
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Rouge L
CryoEM structure of the HCMV Trimer gHgLgO in complex with human Platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha and neutralizing fabs 13H11 and MSL-109
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Rouge L
CryoEM structure of the HCMV Trimer gHgLgO in complex with human Transforming growth factor beta receptor type 3 and neutralizing fabs 13H11 and MSL-109
Method: single particle / : Kschonsak M, Rouge L
Structure of human TRPA1 in complex with inhibitor GDC-0334
Method: single particle / : Rohou A, Rouge L, Arthur CP
Structure of Secretory IgM Core
Method: single particle / : Kumar N, Arthur CP