PDBID: | 9e7u | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9e7v | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9e7y | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke2 | Status: | AUTH -- processed, waiting for author review and approval | Title: | Crystal structure of SxRhaGT in complex with TDP | Authors: | Tingting, Y. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdu | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdv | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Cryo-EM structure of 80S ribosome | Authors: | Lu, Y., Wang, X., Qin, Y., Cao, Y. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke1 | Status: | AUTH -- processed, waiting for author review and approval | Title: | Crystal structure of ScRhaGT in complex with TDP | Authors: | Tingting, Y. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdw | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdt | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke8 | Status: | AUTH -- processed, waiting for author review and approval | Title: | Crystal Structure of HdNadV and its complex with NMN | Authors: | Lin, T., Zhengjuan, W. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdx | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Crystal structure of thioredoxin gluthathione reductase from Schistosoma japonicum with the U597C mutation in complex with GSH | Authors: | Wang, S.Q., Huang, S.Q., Lin, T.W. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdr | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | The crystal structure of TrkA kinase in complex with RT1 | Authors: | Zhang, Z.M., Wang, L. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kds | Status: | AUTH -- processed, waiting for author review and approval | Title: | The crystal structure of human AURKA kinase domain in complex with RA1 | Authors: | Zhang, Z.M., Wang, L. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdy | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Crystal structure of thioredoxin gluthathione reductase from Schistosoma japonicum with the U597C mutation in complex with auranofin | Authors: | Wang, S.Q., Huang, S.Q., Lin, T.W. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kdz | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Crystal structure of the oxidized state of TRP14 from Schistosoma japonicum | Authors: | Wang, S.Q., Huang, S.Q., Lin, T.W. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke0 | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Crystal structure of the reduced state of TRP14 from Schistosoma japonicum | Authors: | Wang, S.Q., Huang, S.Q., Lin, T.W. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke4 | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Crystal structure of the oxidized state of Trx1 from Schistosoma japonicum | Authors: | Wang, S.Q., Huang, S.Q., Lin, T.W. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke6 | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Crystal structure of the reduced state of Trx1 from Schistosoma japonicum | Authors: | Wang, S.Q., Huang, S.Q., Lin, T.W. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke5 | Status: | HOLD -- hold until a certain date | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 | Release date: | 2025-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke3 | Status: | AUTH -- processed, waiting for author review and approval | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 | Release date: | 2025-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9kea | Status: | HPUB -- hold until publication | Title: | Crystal structure of LnzB (Streptomyces spp. ) | Authors: | Zhang, Z.M., Wang, L. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke9 | Status: | HOLD -- hold until a certain date | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 | Release date: | 2025-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9ke7 | Status: | HOLD -- hold until a certain date | Title: | Crystal structure of the PIN1 and fragment 23 complex. | Authors: | Xiao, Q.J., Wu, T.T., Shu, H.L., Qin, W.M. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 | Release date: | 2025-11-04 |
PDBID: | 9keb | Status: | HOLD -- hold until a certain date | Title: | Crystal structure of the PIN1 and fragment 24 complex. | Authors: | Xiao, Q.J., Wu, T.T., Shu, H.L., Qin, W.M. | Deposition date: | 2024-11-04 | Release date: | 2025-11-04 |