All obsoleted PDB entries
The below obsoleted entries have been excluded from the current PDB database.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
Please note that this list also includes recently modified obsolete entries in addition to the recently obsoleted ones.
6mf7 was replaced with 6nn3 on 2019-02-13 |
3vku was replaced with 6j9s on 2019-02-06 |
3vkv was replaced with 6j9t on 2019-02-06 |
5cto was replaced with 6j63 on 2019-02-06 |
3vpf was replaced with 6j9u on 2019-02-06 |
5gj8 was replaced with 5z8t on 2019-02-06 |
5vkp was replaced with 6cq9 on 2019-02-06 |
5gno was obsoleted on 2019-02-06 |
6c0i was replaced with 6npz on 2019-01-30 |
4knz was replaced with 6nnr on 2019-01-30 |
5v8h was replaced with 6nfg on 2019-01-23 |
4v1c was replaced with 6iso on 2019-01-23 |
5v8j was replaced with 6nfo on 2019-01-23 |
3bfn was replaced with 6nje on 2019-01-16 |
6h7k was replaced with 6ibl on 2019-01-09 |
6gkp was replaced with 6q8e on 2019-01-02 |
3wls was replaced with 6mi1 on 2018-12-26 |
3wlt was obsoleted on 2018-12-26 |
6mpu was replaced with 6ne0 on 2018-12-26 |
5nbr was replaced with 6qai on 2018-12-26 |
5v8n was replaced with 6nao on 2018-12-19 |
5jx6 was replaced with 6idw on 2018-12-12 |
5m1v was replaced with 5mk5 on 2018-12-12 |
4lqn was replaced with 6i36 on 2018-12-12 |
5j7h was replaced with 6mx8 on 2018-12-12 |