温度: 293 K / 手法: 蒸気拡散法, ハンギングドロップ法 詳細: Crystals were grown using the vapour diffusion hanging drop method by mixing equal volumes (1 uL) of the protein solution at concentration of 30 mg/ml and a solution 7.5 % in PEG 8000, 10% ...詳細: Crystals were grown using the vapour diffusion hanging drop method by mixing equal volumes (1 uL) of the protein solution at concentration of 30 mg/ml and a solution 7.5 % in PEG 8000, 10% ethylene glycol and 0.1 M sodium cacodylate, pH 6.0 as the precipitant.
解像度: 1.7→30 Å / Cor.coef. Fo:Fc: 0.97 / Cor.coef. Fo:Fc free: 0.957 / SU B: 5.226 / SU ML: 0.071 / 交差検証法: THROUGHOUT / σ(F): 0 / ESU R: 0.091 / ESU R Free: 0.084 詳細: U VALUES : WITH TLS ADDED HYDROGENS HAVE BEEN ADDED IN THE RIDING POSITIONS