温度: 290 K / 手法: 蒸気拡散法, シッティングドロップ法 詳細: Hampton Research Index screen, condition H1 (305884h1): 100mM Citric acid pH 3.5, 2000mM Ammonium sulfate: MymaA.19257.a.B3.PS38530 at 22.5mg/ml cryo: 25% EG: tray 305841 H1: puck bqx9-4. For ...詳細: Hampton Research Index screen, condition H1 (305884h1): 100mM Citric acid pH 3.5, 2000mM Ammonium sulfate: MymaA.19257.a.B3.PS38530 at 22.5mg/ml cryo: 25% EG: tray 305841 H1: puck bqx9-4. For experimental phasing, a crystal from the same condition, Index H1 (305884h1), was soaked for 15 seconds each in a mix of 87.5% reservoir / 12.5% 2.5M sodium iodide in ethylene glycol, followed by a soak in 75% reservoir / 25% 2.5M sodium iodide in ethylene glycol, vitrified in liquid nitrogen for in-house data collection at Cu-Kalpha wavelength: puck vgz4-3