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Showing all 29 items for (author: beckstein & o)
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded wild-type YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded D51A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded asymmetrical TMD D70A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded symmetrical D70A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded D287A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded H263A/D287A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded wild-type YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded D51A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded asymmetrical TMD D70A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded symmetrical D70A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded D287A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of a Zinc-loaded H263A/D287A mutant of the YiiP-Fab complex
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Hussein AK, Stokes DL
Cryo EM structure of bison NHA2 in detergent and N-terminal extension helix
Method: single particle / : Matsuoka R, Fudim R
Cryo EM structure of bison NHA2 in nano disc structure
Method: single particle / : Matsuoka R, Fudim R
Cryo EM structure of bison NHA2 in nano disc structure
Method: single particle / : Matsuoka R, Fudim R
Cryo EM map of bison NHA2 in detergent structure
Method: single particle / : Matsuoka R, Fudim R, Jung S, Drew D
Cryo EM structure of bison NHA2 in detergent and N-terminal extension helix
Method: single particle / : Matsuoka R, Fudim R, Jung S, Drew D
Cryo EM structure of bison NHA2 in detergent structure
Method: single particle / : Matsuoka R, Fudim R, Jung S, Drew D
Cryo EM structure of bison NHA2 in nano disc structure
Method: single particle / : Matsuoka R, Fudim R, Jung S, Drew D
Cryo-EM structure of YiiP-Fab complex in Apo state
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Fan S
Cryo-EM structure of YiiP-Fab complex in Holo state
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Fan S
Cryo-EM structure of YiiP-Fab complex in Apo state
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Fan S, Koide A, Koide S, Beckstein O, Stokes DL
Cryo-EM structure of YiiP-Fab complex in Holo state
Method: single particle / : Lopez-Redondo ML, Fan S, Koide A, Koide S, Beckstein O, Stokes DL
CryoEM structure of horse sodium/proton exchanger NHE9 in an inward-facing conformation
Method: single particle / : Winkelmannm I, Matsuoka R
CryoEM structure of horse sodium/proton exchanger NHE9 without C-terminal regulatory domain in an inward-facing conformation
Method: single particle / : Winkelmann I, Matsuoka R
CryoEM structure of horse sodium/proton exchanger NHE9 in an inward-facing conformation
Method: single particle / : Winkelmannm I, Matsuoka R, Meier P, Drew D
CryoEM structure of horse sodium/proton exchanger NHE9 without C-terminal regulatory domain in an inward-facing conformation
Method: single particle / : Winkelmann I, Matsuoka R, Meier P, Drew D