Journal: Eur Biophys J / Year: 2017 Title: Analysis of self-assembly of S-layer protein slp-B53 from Lysinibacillus sphaericus. Authors: Jun Liu / Sven Falke / Bjoern Drobot / Dominik Oberthuer / Alexey Kikhney / Tobias Guenther / Karim Fahmy / Dmitri Svergun / Christian Betzel / Johannes Raff / Abstract: The formation of stable and functional surface layers (S-layers) via self-assembly of surface-layer proteins on the cell surface is a dynamic and complex process. S-layers facilitate a number of ...The formation of stable and functional surface layers (S-layers) via self-assembly of surface-layer proteins on the cell surface is a dynamic and complex process. S-layers facilitate a number of important biological functions, e.g., providing protection and mediating selective exchange of molecules and thereby functioning as molecular sieves. Furthermore, S-layers selectively bind several metal ions including uranium, palladium, gold, and europium, some of them with high affinity. Most current research on surface layers focuses on investigating crystalline arrays of protein subunits in Archaea and bacteria. In this work, several complementary analytical techniques and methods have been applied to examine structure-function relationships and dynamics for assembly of S-layer protein slp-B53 from Lysinibacillus sphaericus: (1) The secondary structure of the S-layer protein was analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy; (2) Small-angle X-ray scattering was applied to gain insights into the three-dimensional structure in solution; (3) The interaction with bivalent cations was followed by differential scanning calorimetry; (4) The dynamics and time-dependent assembly of S-layers were followed by applying dynamic light scattering; (5) The two-dimensional structure of the paracrystalline S-layer lattice was examined by atomic force microscopy. The data obtained provide essential structural insights into the mechanism of S-layer self-assembly, particularly with respect to binding of bivalent cations, i.e., Mg and Ca. Furthermore, the results obtained highlight potential applications of S-layers in the fields of micromaterials and nanobiotechnology by providing engineered or individual symmetric thin protein layers, e.g., for protective, antimicrobial, or otherwise functionalized surfaces.
Contact author
Al Kikhney (EMBL-Hamburg, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) - Hamburg outstation, Notkestraße 85, Geb. 25A, 22607 Hamburg, Deutschland, Germany)
Instrument name: PETRA III P12 / City: Hamburg / 国: Germany / Type of source: X-ray synchrotron / Wavelength: 0.12 Å / Dist. spec. to detc.: 3.1 mm
Name: Pilatus 2M
Title: slp-B53 with Mg / Measurement date: Jun 2, 2015 / Storage temperature: 20 °C / Cell temperature: 10 °C / Exposure time: 0.05 sec. / Number of frames: 20 / Unit: 1/nm /
Distance distribution function P(R)
Sofotware P(R): GNOM 5.0 / Number of points: 411 /
P(R) point
Type of curve: extrapolated / Comments: slp-B53 with Mg /
178 kDa
373 kDa
596.6 nm3
Guinier error
Forward scattering, I0
Radius of gyration, Rg
6.55 nm
7.275 nm
Guinier point
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