ALIGNMENT: - Global alignment of extracted AA sequence from the pdb file with the original sequence ...ALIGNMENT: - Global alignment of extracted AA sequence from the pdb file with the original sequence inserted in the template - Be aware that the alignment is the best one for the given scoring schemata but does not have to be the best one out of all kinds of possible alignments! - No substitution matrix used. Just matches, mismatches and gaps ar considered - The first sequence was extracted from the xml-template file according to the chosen template. The second sequence was extract from the ATOM section of the pdb file. GNPLVYLDVDANGKPLGRVVLELKADVVPKTAENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSTFHRVIPSFMCQAGD GNPLVYLDVDANGKPLGR-VLELKAD-VPKTAENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSTFHRVIPSFMCQAGD FTNHNGTGGKSIYGSRFPDENFTLKHVGPGVLSMANAGPNTNGSQFFICTIKTDWLDGKHVVFGH FTNHNGT-GKSIYGSRFPDENFTLKHVGPGVLSMANAGPNTNGSQ-FICTIKTDWLDGKH-VFGH VIEGMDVVKKIESFGSKSGRTSKKIVITDCGQLS VIEGMD-V-KIESFGSKSGRTS-KIVITDCGQLS