手法: simulated annealing, molecular dynamics / ソフトェア番号: 1 詳細: 30 conformers initially calculated were refined with 4 rounds of SA, Final selection of structures for submission was done based on the behavior of the models during the 200 ns trajectories: ...詳細: 30 conformers initially calculated were refined with 4 rounds of SA, Final selection of structures for submission was done based on the behavior of the models during the 200 ns trajectories: only models which stayed within 3 RMSD of the starting structures were selected.
NMR constraints
NOE constraints total: 475 / NOE intraresidue total count: 233 / NOE long range total count: 139 / NOE sequential total count: 103 / Hydrogen bond constraints total count: 22 / Protein phi angle constraints total count: 22
選択基準: fewest violations
コンフォーマー選択の基準: molecular dynamics / 計算したコンフォーマーの数: 30 / 登録したコンフォーマーの数: 10 / Maximum torsion angle constraint violation: 5.6 ° / Maximum upper distance constraint violation: 0.659 Å