Hydrogen bond constraints total count: 78 / Protein chi angle constraints total count: 17 / Protein phi angle constraints total count: 60 / Protein psi angle constraints total count: 61
選択基準: lowest energy
Average torsion angle constraint violation: 1.94 ° コンフォーマー選択の基準: structures with the lowest energy 計算したコンフォーマーの数: 20 / 登録したコンフォーマーの数: 20 / Maximum torsion angle constraint violation: 3.39 ° / Maximum upper distance constraint violation: 0.59 Å / Torsion angle constraint violation method: CYANA
NMR ensemble rms
Distance rms dev: 0.0128 Å / Distance rms dev error: 0.0014 Å