解像度: 1.95→26.2 Å / Isotropic thermal model: Isotropic / σ(F): 0 / σ(I): 1 / 立体化学のターゲット値: maximum likelihood 詳細: 5% of the data was used for validation (ie as an 'Rfree') throughout, but upon completion of the model (Rfree=21.19, Rwork=18.31),an additional round of refinement using all data, including ...詳細: 5% of the data was used for validation (ie as an 'Rfree') throughout, but upon completion of the model (Rfree=21.19, Rwork=18.31),an additional round of refinement using all data, including reflections marked as Rfree in the sf file, was performed to give a final crystallographic Rfactor (Rcryst=18.09).