sequence an appropriate sequence database reference was not available at the time of processing. ...sequence an appropriate sequence database reference was not available at the time of processing. the authors state that the sequence was derived from the crystal structure. AT THE END OF FINAL REFINEMENT, RESIDUES (ASP,ASN,GLU, AND GLN) WHICH ARE CONSERVED BETWEEN P.PUTIDA AND BACILLUS CREATINASE WERE TREATED AS THE SAME CORRESPONDING RESIDUES AT EQUIVALENT POSITIONS IN AC.BACILLUS CREATINASE OR OTHERWISE TREATED AS ASX OR GLX. GLX: 5,7,13,21,28,68,72,119,134,136,149,154,163,168 GLX: 204,240,267,268,275,278,289,310,345 ASX: 29,39,71,94,130,164,199,208,236,270,306,329,362,384