[日本語] English
- PDB-6xr4: Integrative in situ structure of Parkinsons disease-linked human LRRK2 -





データベース: PDB / ID: 6xr4
タイトルIntegrative in situ structure of Parkinsons disease-linked human LRRK2
要素Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2
キーワードSIGNALING PROTEIN / TRANSFERASE / kinase / GTPase / Parkinson's Disease / pseudo-kinase

peroxidase inhibitor activity / caveola neck / negative regulation of thioredoxin peroxidase activity by peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation / negative regulation of protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion / Wnt signalosome assembly / beta-catenin destruction complex binding / regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve / regulation of kidney size / regulation of neuron maturation / tangential migration from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb ...peroxidase inhibitor activity / caveola neck / negative regulation of thioredoxin peroxidase activity by peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation / negative regulation of protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion / Wnt signalosome assembly / beta-catenin destruction complex binding / regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve / regulation of kidney size / regulation of neuron maturation / tangential migration from the subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb / protein localization to endoplasmic reticulum exit site / GTP-dependent protein kinase activity / regulation of neuroblast proliferation / regulation of ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport / negative regulation of late endosome to lysosome transport / regulation of synaptic vesicle transport / regulation of mitochondrial depolarization / negative regulation of protein targeting to mitochondrion / positive regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway / regulation of lysosomal lumen pH / PTK6 promotes HIF1A stabilization / regulation of CAMKK-AMPK signaling cascade / amphisome / cytoplasmic side of mitochondrial outer membrane / mitochondrion localization / co-receptor binding / regulation of retrograde transport, endosome to Golgi / negative regulation of excitatory postsynaptic potential / regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway / negative regulation of autophagosome assembly / positive regulation of microglial cell activation / neuron projection arborization / positive regulation of synaptic vesicle endocytosis / JUN kinase kinase kinase activity / olfactory bulb development / multivesicular body, internal vesicle / regulation of protein kinase A signaling / striatum development / regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis / protein localization to mitochondrion / cellular response to dopamine / positive regulation of protein autoubiquitination / endoplasmic reticulum organization / presynaptic cytosol / positive regulation of programmed cell death / Wnt signalosome / GTP metabolic process / regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway / negative regulation of protein processing / syntaxin-1 binding / regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process / negative regulation of GTPase activity / exploration behavior / MAP kinase kinase kinase activity / autolysosome / regulation of locomotion / protein kinase A binding / regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis / Golgi-associated vesicle / negative regulation of macroautophagy / clathrin binding / neuromuscular junction development / lysosome organization / regulation of mitochondrial fission / intracellular distribution of mitochondria / Golgi organization / positive regulation of nitric-oxide synthase biosynthetic process / locomotory exploration behavior / endoplasmic reticulum exit site / microvillus / Rho protein signal transduction / canonical Wnt signaling pathway / positive regulation of protein kinase activity / cellular response to manganese ion / negative regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway / positive regulation of autophagy / neuron projection morphogenesis / JNK cascade / regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic / dendrite cytoplasm / cellular response to starvation / phosphorylation / tubulin binding / GTPase activator activity / regulation of membrane potential / SNARE binding / positive regulation of MAP kinase activity / excitatory postsynaptic potential / negative regulation of protein phosphorylation / mitochondrion organization / positive regulation of protein ubiquitination / negative regulation of protein binding / regulation of autophagy / determination of adult lifespan / 加水分解酵素; 酸無水物に作用; GTPに作用・細胞または細胞小器官の運動に関与 / peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation / calcium-mediated signaling / cellular response to reactive oxygen species / trans-Golgi network / regulation of protein stability
類似検索 - 分子機能
: / C-terminal of Roc (COR) domain / C-terminal of Roc, COR, domain / Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase / Roc domain profile. / Roc domain / Leucine-rich repeats, bacterial type / Leucine rich repeat / Leucine-rich repeat, typical subtype / Leucine-rich repeats, typical (most populated) subfamily ...: / C-terminal of Roc (COR) domain / C-terminal of Roc, COR, domain / Ras of Complex, Roc, domain of DAPkinase / Roc domain profile. / Roc domain / Leucine-rich repeats, bacterial type / Leucine rich repeat / Leucine-rich repeat, typical subtype / Leucine-rich repeats, typical (most populated) subfamily / Leucine-rich repeat profile. / Leucine-rich repeat / Rab subfamily of small GTPases / Leucine-rich repeat domain superfamily / Ankyrin repeat-containing domain superfamily / Armadillo-like helical / Small GTP-binding protein domain / Armadillo-type fold / Serine/threonine-protein kinase, active site / Serine/Threonine protein kinases active-site signature. / WD40-repeat-containing domain superfamily / Serine/Threonine protein kinases, catalytic domain / Protein kinase domain / WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain superfamily / Protein kinase, ATP binding site / Protein kinases ATP-binding region signature. / Protein kinase domain profile. / Protein kinase domain / Protein kinase-like domain superfamily / P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase
類似検索 - ドメイン・相同性
Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2
類似検索 - 構成要素
生物種Homo sapiens (ヒト)
手法電子顕微鏡法 / サブトモグラム平均法 / クライオ電子顕微鏡法 / 解像度: 14 Å
データ登録者Villa, E. / Lasker, K. / Audagnotto, M.
資金援助 米国, 2件
National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS)1DP2GM123494-01 米国
Michael J. Fox Foundation11425 米国
引用ジャーナル: Cell / : 2020
タイトル: The In Situ Structure of Parkinson's Disease-Linked LRRK2.
著者: Reika Watanabe / Robert Buschauer / Jan Böhning / Martina Audagnotto / Keren Lasker / Tsan-Wen Lu / Daniela Boassa / Susan Taylor / Elizabeth Villa /
要旨: Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most frequent cause of familial Parkinson's disease. LRRK2 is a multi-domain protein containing a kinase and GTPase. Using correlative light ...Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most frequent cause of familial Parkinson's disease. LRRK2 is a multi-domain protein containing a kinase and GTPase. Using correlative light and electron microscopy, in situ cryo-electron tomography, and subtomogram analysis, we reveal a 14-Å structure of LRRK2 bearing a pathogenic mutation that oligomerizes as a right-handed double helix around microtubules, which are left-handed. Using integrative modeling, we determine the architecture of LRRK2, showing that the GTPase and kinase are in close proximity, with the GTPase closer to the microtubule surface, whereas the kinase is exposed to the cytoplasm. We identify two oligomerization interfaces mediated by non-catalytic domains. Mutation of one of these abolishes LRRK2 microtubule-association. Our work demonstrates the power of cryo-electron tomography to generate models of previously unsolved structures in their cellular environment.
登録2020年7月10日登録サイト: RCSB / 処理サイト: RCSB
改定 1.02020年8月19日Provider: repository / タイプ: Initial release
改定 1.12020年8月26日Group: Database references / カテゴリ: citation / citation_author
Item: _citation.country / _citation.journal_abbrev ..._citation.country / _citation.journal_abbrev / _citation.journal_id_ASTM / _citation.journal_id_CSD / _citation.journal_id_ISSN / _citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed / _citation.title / _citation_author.identifier_ORCID / _citation_author.name
改定 1.22020年9月30日Group: Database references / カテゴリ: citation / Item: _citation.journal_volume / _citation.page_first
改定 1.32024年3月6日Group: Data collection / Database references / カテゴリ: chem_comp_atom / chem_comp_bond / database_2
Item: _database_2.pdbx_DOI / _database_2.pdbx_database_accession


  • 登録構造単位
  • Jmolによる作画
  • ダウンロード
  • 単純化した表面モデル + あてはめた原子モデル
  • マップデータ: EMDB-20825
  • Jmolによる作画
  • ダウンロード
  • EMマップとの重ね合わせ
  • マップデータ: EMDB-20825
  • UCSF Chimeraによる作画
  • ダウンロード



A: Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2
B: Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2

分子量 (理論値)分子数
合計 (水以外)572,9012

  • 登録構造と同一
  • 登録者が定義した集合体
identity operation1_5551


#1: タンパク質 Leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 / Dardarin / 座標モデル: Cα原子のみ

分子量: 286450.719 Da / 分子数: 2 / 変異: I2020T / 由来タイプ: 天然 / 由来: (天然) Homo sapiens (ヒト) / 細胞株: HEK293
参照: UniProt: Q5S007, non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase, 加水分解酵素; 酸無水物に作用; GTPに作用・細胞または細胞小器官の運動に関与



実験手法: 電子顕微鏡法
EM実験試料の集合状態: CELL / 3次元再構成法: サブトモグラム平均法


構成要素名称: HEK293 cell / タイプ: CELL
詳細: Dimer within the oligomer of microtubule-bound human LRRK2-I2020T in HEK cells
Entity ID: all / 由来: NATURAL
由来(天然)生物種: Homo sapiens (ヒト) / Cell: HEK293 / 細胞内の位置: cytosol
緩衝液pH: 7
試料包埋: NO / シャドウイング: NO / 染色: NO / 凍結: YES
詳細: FIB-milled cellular samples expressing Parkinson's disease-related mutant LRRK2 (I2020T) proteins in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293 cells)
試料支持グリッドの材料: GOLD / グリッドのサイズ: 200 divisions/in. / グリッドのタイプ: Quantifoil


モデル: Tecnai Polara / 画像提供: FEI Company
顕微鏡モデル: FEI POLARA 300
電子銃電子線源: FIELD EMISSION GUN / 加速電圧: 300 kV / 照射モード: FLOOD BEAM
電子レンズモード: BRIGHT FIELD
撮影電子線照射量: 2 e/Å2 / 検出モード: COUNTING
フィルム・検出器のモデル: GATAN K2 SUMMIT (4k x 4k)
電子光学装置エネルギーフィルター名称: GIF Quantum SE / エネルギーフィルタースリット幅: 20 eV


対称性点対称性: C1 (非対称)
3次元再構成解像度: 14 Å / 解像度の算出法: FSC 0.143 CUT-OFF / 粒子像の数: 4307
詳細: Each model in the conformation ensemble represents a cluster. Models are arranged sequentially from lowest to highest cluster RMSD. Model 1 is the best representative model. Model-Cluster ...詳細: Each model in the conformation ensemble represents a cluster. Models are arranged sequentially from lowest to highest cluster RMSD. Model 1 is the best representative model. Model-Cluster correpondence is as follows: Model 1 = Cluster 20 Model 2 = Cluster 16 Model 3 = Cluster 24 Model 4 = Cluster 32 Model 5 = Cluster 14 Model 6 = Cluster 1 Model 7 = Cluster 44 Model 8 = Cluster 11 Model 9 = Cluster 3 Model 10 = Cluster 22 Model 11 = Cluster 4 Model 12 = Cluster 12 Model 13 = Cluster 19 Model 14 = Cluster 7 Model 15 = Cluster 31 Model 16 = Cluster 26 Model 17 = Cluster 52 Model 18 = Cluster 2 Model 19 = Cluster 45 Model 20 = Cluster 8 Model 21 = Cluster 5 Model 22 = Cluster 23 Model 23 = Cluster 42 Model 24 = Cluster 25 Model 25 = Cluster 43 Model 26 = Cluster 27 Model 27 = Cluster 39 Model 28 = Cluster 6 Model 29 = Cluster 13 Model 30 = Cluster 28 Model 31 = Cluster 21 Model 32 = Cluster 10 Model 33 = Cluster 53 Model 34 = Cluster 30 Model 35 = Cluster 35 Model 36 = Cluster 38 Model 37 = Cluster 33 Model 38 = Cluster 40 Model 39 = Cluster 37 Model 40 = Cluster 29 Model 41 = Cluster 51 Model 42 = Cluster 41 Model 43 = Cluster 15 Model 44 = Cluster 9 Model 45 = Cluster 17 Model 46 = Cluster 50 Model 47 = Cluster 48 Model 48 = Cluster 49 Model 49 = Cluster 18 Model 50 = Cluster 46 Model 51 = Cluster 36 Model 52 = Cluster 47 Model 53 = Cluster 34
対称性のタイプ: POINT
EM volume selectionNum. of tomograms: 12 / Num. of volumes extracted: 11508
原子モデル構築プロトコル: OTHER
精密化詳細: Each model in the conformation ensemble represents a cluster. Models are arranged sequentially from lowest to highest cluster RMSD. Model 1 is the best representative model. Model-Cluster ...詳細: Each model in the conformation ensemble represents a cluster. Models are arranged sequentially from lowest to highest cluster RMSD. Model 1 is the best representative model. Model-Cluster correpondence is as follows: Model 1 = Cluster 20 Model 2 = Cluster 16 Model 3 = Cluster 24 Model 4 = Cluster 32 Model 5 = Cluster 14 Model 6 = Cluster 1 Model 7 = Cluster 44 Model 8 = Cluster 11 Model 9 = Cluster 3 Model 10 = Cluster 22 Model 11 = Cluster 4 Model 12 = Cluster 12 Model 13 = Cluster 19 Model 14 = Cluster 7 Model 15 = Cluster 31 Model 16 = Cluster 26 Model 17 = Cluster 52 Model 18 = Cluster 2 Model 19 = Cluster 45 Model 20 = Cluster 8 Model 21 = Cluster 5 Model 22 = Cluster 23 Model 23 = Cluster 42 Model 24 = Cluster 25 Model 25 = Cluster 43 Model 26 = Cluster 27 Model 27 = Cluster 39 Model 28 = Cluster 6 Model 29 = Cluster 13 Model 30 = Cluster 28 Model 31 = Cluster 21 Model 32 = Cluster 10 Model 33 = Cluster 53 Model 34 = Cluster 30 Model 35 = Cluster 35 Model 36 = Cluster 38 Model 37 = Cluster 33 Model 38 = Cluster 40 Model 39 = Cluster 37 Model 40 = Cluster 29 Model 41 = Cluster 51 Model 42 = Cluster 41 Model 43 = Cluster 15 Model 44 = Cluster 9 Model 45 = Cluster 17 Model 46 = Cluster 50 Model 47 = Cluster 48 Model 48 = Cluster 49 Model 49 = Cluster 18 Model 50 = Cluster 46 Model 51 = Cluster 36 Model 52 = Cluster 47 Model 53 = Cluster 34



2022年2月9日: EMDBエントリの付随情報ファイルのフォーマットが新しくなりました


  • EMDBのヘッダファイルのバージョン3が、公式のフォーマットとなりました。
  • これまでは公式だったバージョン1.9は、アーカイブから削除されます。



2020年8月12日: 新型コロナ情報


URL: https://pdbjlvh1.pdbj.org/emnavi/covid19.php

新ページ: EM Navigatorに新型コロナウイルスの特設ページを開設しました。

関連情報:Covid-19情報 / 2020年3月5日: 新型コロナウイルスの構造データ

2020年3月5日: 新型コロナウイルスの構造データ


関連情報:万見生物種 / 2020年8月12日: 新型コロナ情報

外部リンク:COVID-19特集ページ - PDBj / 今月の分子2020年2月:コロナウイルスプロテーアーゼ

2019年1月31日: EMDBのIDの桁数の変更


  • EMDBエントリに付与されているアクセスコード(EMDB-ID)は4桁の数字(例、EMD-1234)でしたが、間もなく枯渇します。これまでの4桁のID番号は4桁のまま変更されませんが、4桁の数字を使い切った後に発行されるIDは5桁以上の数字(例、EMD-12345)になります。5桁のIDは2019年の春頃から発行される見通しです。
  • EM Navigator/万見では、接頭語「EMD-」は省略されています。

関連情報:Q: 「EMD」とは何ですか? / 万見/EM NavigatorにおけるID/アクセスコードの表記

外部リンク:EMDB Accession Codes are Changing Soon! / PDBjへお問い合わせ

2017年7月12日: PDB大規模アップデート


  • 新バージョンのPDBx/mmCIF辞書形式に基づくデータがリリースされました。
  • 今回の更新はバージョン番号が4から5になる大規模なもので、全エントリデータの書き換えが行われる「Remediation」というアップデートに該当します。
  • このバージョンアップで、電子顕微鏡の実験手法に関する多くの項目の書式が改定されました(例:em_softwareなど)。
  • EM NavigatorとYorodumiでも、この改定に基づいた表示内容になります。

外部リンク:wwPDB Remediation / OneDepデータ基準に準拠した、より強化された内容のモデル構造ファイルが、PDBアーカイブで公開されました。

万見 (Yorodumi)


  • 万見(Yorodumi)は、EMDB/PDB/SASBDBなどの構造データを閲覧するためのページです。
  • EM Navigatorの詳細ページの後継、Omokage検索のフロントエンドも兼ねています。

関連情報:EMDB / PDB / SASBDB / 3つのデータバンクの比較 / 万見検索 / 2016年8月31日: 新しいEM Navigatorと万見 / 万見文献 / Jmol/JSmol / 機能・相同性情報 / 新しいEM Navigatorと万見の変更点
