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Structure paper

タイトルArchitecture of the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore.
ジャーナル・号・ページScience, Vol. 376, Issue 6598, Page eabm9129, Year 2022
著者Christopher J Bley / Si Nie / George W Mobbs / Stefan Petrovic / Anna T Gres / Xiaoyu Liu / Somnath Mukherjee / Sho Harvey / Ferdinand M Huber / Daniel H Lin / Bonnie Brown / Aaron W Tang / Emily J Rundlet / Ana R Correia / Shane Chen / Saroj G Regmi / Taylor A Stevens / Claudia A Jette / Mary Dasso / Alina Patke / Alexander F Palazzo / Anthony A Kossiakoff / André Hoelz /
PubMed 要旨INTRODUCTION The subcellular compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells requires selective transport of folded proteins and protein-nucleic acid complexes. Embedded in nuclear envelope pores, which are ...INTRODUCTION The subcellular compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells requires selective transport of folded proteins and protein-nucleic acid complexes. Embedded in nuclear envelope pores, which are generated by the circumscribed fusion of the inner and outer nuclear membranes, nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are the sole bidirectional gateways for nucleocytoplasmic transport. The ~110-MDa human NPC is an ~1000-protein assembly that comprises multiple copies of ~34 different proteins, collectively termed nucleoporins. The symmetric core of the NPC is composed of an inner ring encircling the central transport channel and outer rings formed by Y‑shaped coat nucleoporin complexes (CNCs) anchored atop both sides of the nuclear envelope. The outer rings are decorated with compartment‑specific asymmetric nuclear basket and cytoplasmic filament nucleoporins, which establish transport directionality and provide docking sites for transport factors and the small guanosine triphosphatase Ran. The cytoplasmic filament nucleoporins also play an essential role in the irreversible remodeling of messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) as they exit the central transport channel. Unsurprisingly, the NPC's cytoplasmic face represents a hotspot for disease‑associated mutations and is commonly targeted by viral virulence factors. RATIONALE Previous studies established a near-atomic composite structure of the human NPC's symmetric core by combining (i) biochemical reconstitution to elucidate the interaction network between symmetric nucleoporins, (ii) crystal and single-particle cryo-electron microscopy structure determination of nucleoporins and nucleoporin complexes to reveal their three-dimensional shape and the molecular details of their interactions, (iii) quantitative docking in cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) maps of the intact human NPC to uncover nucleoporin stoichiometry and positioning, and (iv) cell‑based assays to validate the physiological relevance of the biochemical and structural findings. In this work, we extended our approach to the cytoplasmic filament nucleoporins to reveal the near-atomic architecture of the cytoplasmic face of the human NPC. RESULTS Using biochemical reconstitution, we elucidated the protein-protein and protein-RNA interaction networks of the human and cytoplasmic filament nucleoporins, establishing an evolutionarily conserved heterohexameric cytoplasmic filament nucleoporin complex (CFNC) held together by a central heterotrimeric coiled‑coil hub that tethers two separate mRNP‑remodeling complexes. Further biochemical analysis and determination of a series of crystal structures revealed that the metazoan‑specific cytoplasmic filament nucleoporin NUP358 is composed of 16 distinct domains, including an N‑terminal S‑shaped α‑helical solenoid followed by a coiled‑coil oligomerization element, numerous Ran‑interacting domains, an E3 ligase domain, and a C‑terminal prolyl‑isomerase domain. Physiologically validated quantitative docking into cryo-ET maps of the intact human NPC revealed that pentameric NUP358 bundles, conjoined by the oligomerization element, are anchored through their N‑terminal domains to the central stalk regions of the CNC, projecting flexibly attached domains as far as ~600 Å into the cytoplasm. Using cell‑based assays, we demonstrated that NUP358 is dispensable for the architectural integrity of the assembled interphase NPC and RNA export but is required for efficient translation. After NUP358 assignment, the remaining 4-shaped cryo‑ET density matched the dimensions of the CFNC coiled‑coil hub, in close proximity to an outer-ring NUP93. Whereas the N-terminal NUP93 assembly sensor motif anchors the properly assembled related coiled‑coil channel nucleoporin heterotrimer to the inner ring, biochemical reconstitution confirmed that the NUP93 assembly sensor is reused in anchoring the CFNC to the cytoplasmic face of the human NPC. By contrast, two CFNCs are anchored by a divergent mechanism that involves assembly sensors located in unstructured portions of two CNC nucleoporins. Whereas unassigned cryo‑ET density occupies the NUP358 and CFNC binding sites on the nuclear face, docking of the nuclear basket component ELYS established that the equivalent position on the cytoplasmic face is unoccupied, suggesting that mechanisms other than steric competition promote asymmetric distribution of nucleoporins. CONCLUSION We have substantially advanced the biochemical and structural characterization of the asymmetric nucleoporins' architecture and attachment at the cytoplasmic and nuclear faces of the NPC. Our near‑atomic composite structure of the human NPC's cytoplasmic face provides a biochemical and structural framework for elucidating the molecular basis of mRNP remodeling, viral virulence factor interference with NPC function, and the underlying mechanisms of nucleoporin diseases at the cytoplasmic face of the NPC. [Figure: see text].
リンクScience / PubMed:35679405 / PubMed Central
手法X線回折 / EM (サブトモグラム平均)
解像度1.1 - 37 Å

Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of NUP88 in complex with NUP98 C-terminal Autoproteolytic Domain
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2 Å

Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of NUP358/RanBP2 (residues 145-673)
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 3.8 Å

Crystal structure of the tetramerization element of NUP358/RanBP2 (residues 805-832)
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 1.1 Å

Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of NUP358/RanBP2 (residues 1-752) in complex with Fab fragment
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 3.95 Å

Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of NUP358/RanBP2 (residues 1-752) T585M mutant in complex with Fab fragment
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 4.7 Å

Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of NUP358/RanBP2 (residues 1-752) T653I mutant in complex with Fab fragment
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 6.7 Å

Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of NUP358/RanBP2 (residues 1-752) I656V mutant in complex with Fab fragment
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 6.73 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF2 of Nucleoporin NUP358/RanBP2 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.05 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF2 of Nucleoporin NUP358/RanBP2 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.05 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF3 of Nucleoporin NUP358/RanBP2 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 1.8 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF4 of Nucleoporin NUP358/RanBP2 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.1 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF5 or ZnF6 of Nucleoporin NUP358/RanBP2 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.45 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF7 of Nucleoporin NUP358/RanBP2 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF8 of Nucleoporin NUP358/RanBP2 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 1.8 Å

Crystal Structure of Nup358/RanBP2 Ran-binding domain 1 in complex with Ran-GPPNHP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.4 Å

Crystal Structure of Nup358/RanBP2 Ran-binding domain 2 in complex with Ran-GPPNHP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.4 Å

Crystal Structure of Nup358/RanBP2 Ran-binding domain 3 in complex with Ran-GPPNHP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.7 Å

Crystal Structure of Nup358/RanBP2 Ran-binding domain 4 in complex with Ran-GPPNHP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.35 Å

Crystal Structure of Nucleoporin NUP50 Ran-Binding Domain in Complex with Ran-GPPNHP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.45 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF1 of Nucleoporin NUP153 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 1.6 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF2 of Nucleoporin NUP153 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 1.65 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF3 of Nucleoporin NUP153 in complex with Ran-GDP, resolution 2.05 Angstrom
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.05 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF3 of Nucleoporin NUP153 in complex with Ran-GDP, resolution 2.4 Angstrom
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 2.4 Å

Crystal Structure of the ZnF4 of Nucleoporin NUP153 in complex with Ran-GDP
手法: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / 解像度: 1.55 Å

Composite structure of the human nuclear pore complex (NPC) cytoplasmic face generated with a 12A cryo-ET map of the purified HeLa cell NPC

Composite structure of the dilated human nuclear pore complex (NPC) generated with a 37A in situ cryo-ET map of CD4+ T cell NPC



1,2-ETHANEDIOL / エチレングリコ-ル / エチレングリコール

SULFATE ION / 硫酸ジアニオン / 硫酸塩

GUANOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE / GDP / GDP, エネルギー貯蔵分子*YM / グアノシン二リン酸

Unknown entry / マグネシウムジカチオン

Unknown entry

GLYCEROL / グリセロ-ル / グリセリン

PHOSPHOAMINOPHOSPHONIC ACID-GUANYLATE ESTER / Gpp(NH)p / GppNHp, GMPPNP, エネルギー貯蔵分子類似体*YM / 5'-Guanylyl imidodiphosphate

  • homo sapiens (ヒト)
  • rattus norvegicus (ドブネズミ)
キーワードTRANSPORT PROTEIN (運搬体タンパク質) / nuclear pore complex component (核膜孔) / nucleocytoplasmic transport / TRANSFERASE (転移酵素) / TRANSFERASE/Immune System / TRANSFERASE-Immune System complex / TRANSPORT PROTEIN/Immune System / TRANSPORT PROTEIN-Immune System complex / ZINC FINGER (ジンクフィンガー) / complex (small GTPase-nuclear protein) / nuclear pore complex (核膜孔) / alpha-helical solenoid / nuclear pore (核膜孔)



2022年2月9日: EMDBエントリの付随情報ファイルのフォーマットが新しくなりました


  • EMDBのヘッダファイルのバージョン3が、公式のフォーマットとなりました。
  • これまでは公式だったバージョン1.9は、アーカイブから削除されます。



2020年8月12日: 新型コロナ情報


URL: https://pdbj.org/emnavi/covid19.php

新ページ: EM Navigatorに新型コロナウイルスの特設ページを開設しました。

関連情報:Covid-19情報 / 2020年3月5日: 新型コロナウイルスの構造データ

2020年3月5日: 新型コロナウイルスの構造データ


関連情報:万見生物種 / 2020年8月12日: 新型コロナ情報

外部リンク:COVID-19特集ページ - PDBj / 今月の分子2020年2月:コロナウイルスプロテーアーゼ

2019年1月31日: EMDBのIDの桁数の変更


  • EMDBエントリに付与されているアクセスコード(EMDB-ID)は4桁の数字(例、EMD-1234)でしたが、間もなく枯渇します。これまでの4桁のID番号は4桁のまま変更されませんが、4桁の数字を使い切った後に発行されるIDは5桁以上の数字(例、EMD-12345)になります。5桁のIDは2019年の春頃から発行される見通しです。
  • EM Navigator/万見では、接頭語「EMD-」は省略されています。

関連情報:Q: 「EMD」とは何ですか? / 万見/EM NavigatorにおけるID/アクセスコードの表記

外部リンク:EMDB Accession Codes are Changing Soon! / PDBjへお問い合わせ

2017年7月12日: PDB大規模アップデート


  • 新バージョンのPDBx/mmCIF辞書形式に基づくデータがリリースされました。
  • 今回の更新はバージョン番号が4から5になる大規模なもので、全エントリデータの書き換えが行われる「Remediation」というアップデートに該当します。
  • このバージョンアップで、電子顕微鏡の実験手法に関する多くの項目の書式が改定されました(例:em_softwareなど)。
  • EM NavigatorとYorodumiでも、この改定に基づいた表示内容になります。

外部リンク:wwPDB Remediation / OneDepデータ基準に準拠した、より強化された内容のモデル構造ファイルが、PDBアーカイブで公開されました。



  • EMDB/PDB/SASBDBのエントリから引用されている文献のデータベースです
  • Pubmedのデータを利用しています

関連情報:EMDB / PDB / SASBDB / 万見 (Yorodumi) / EMN文献 / 新しいEM Navigatorと万見の変更点
