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EMN statistics
- Statistics of 3DEM data in EMDB & PDB -

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Annotation about this statistics

  • Some data are modified
  • Counted not per "structre" but per data entry
  • Click column head to sort ([Shift] + click for multi-column sort)

Statistics - Specimen Temperature vs. Resolution

Specimen Temperature~ 2 A~ 3 A~ 5 A~ 7 A~ 10 A~ 15 A~ 23 A~ 34 A~ 51 A~ 77 A~ 115 A~ 173 A~ 75754 ATotal
~ 5 K1681394252
~ 10 K11
~ 15 K224
~ 23 K11
~ 34 K112
~ 51 K21012
~ 77 K5391422
~ 115 K213231115395370320137902231755
~ 173 K11810323
~ 259 K31321
~ 389 K67480375206

Download: CSV format (Comma-Separated Values, for Excel, etc.) / TSV format (Tab Separated Values)

About EMN statistics

EMN Statistics

Statistics of 3DEM data in table and graph styles

  • The table can be sorted. Click the column header to be sorted. (second click to reverse, [Shift]+click for multi-column sort)
  • To show the bar graph in table mode, point the column/row header by mouse courser.
  • To search the correspoinding data, click the cell of value.
  • Examples:

Related info.:Q: What are the data sources of EM Navigator? / EM Navigator / Mar 30, 2013. New page of EM Navigator, EMN Statistics

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