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- PDB-8des: Gokushovirus EC6098 -

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Basic information

Database: PDB / ID: 8des
TitleGokushovirus EC6098
  • Major capsid protein
  • Putative DNA binding protein
KeywordsVIRUS / Capsid
Function / homologyMicroviridae F protein / Microviridae F protein superfamily / Capsid protein (F protein) / Capsid/spike protein, ssDNA virus / T=1 icosahedral viral capsid / structural molecule activity / Major capsid protein / Putative DNA binding protein
Function and homology information
Biological speciesEscherichia phage EC6098 (virus)
MethodELECTRON MICROSCOPY / single particle reconstruction / cryo EM / Resolution: 2.6 Å
AuthorsLee, H. / Fane, B.A. / Hafenstein, S.L.
Funding support1items
OrganizationGrant numberCountry
Other private
CitationJournal: J Virol / Year: 2022
Title: Cryo-EM Structure of Gokushovirus ΦEC6098 Reveals a Novel Capsid Architecture for a Single-Scaffolding Protein, Microvirus Assembly System.
Authors: Hyunwook Lee / Alexis J Baxter / Carol M Bator / Bentley A Fane / Susan L Hafenstein /
Abstract: Ubiquitous and abundant in ecosystems and microbiomes, gokushoviruses constitute a subfamily, distantly related to bacteriophages ΦX174, α3, and G4. A high-resolution cryo-EM structure of ...Ubiquitous and abundant in ecosystems and microbiomes, gokushoviruses constitute a subfamily, distantly related to bacteriophages ΦX174, α3, and G4. A high-resolution cryo-EM structure of gokushovirus ΦEC6098 was determined, and the atomic model was built . Although gokushoviruses lack external scaffolding and spike proteins, which extensively interact with the ΦX174 capsid protein, the core of the ΦEC6098 coat protein (VP1) displayed a similar structure. There are, however, key differences. At each ΦEC6098 icosahedral 3-fold axis, a long insertion loop formed mushroom-like protrusions, which have been noted in lower-resolution gokushovirus structures. Hydrophobic interfaces at the bottom of these protrusions may confer stability to the capsid shell. In ΦX174, the N-terminus of the capsid protein resides directly atop the 3-fold axes of symmetry; however, the ΦEC6098 N-terminus stretched across the inner surface of the capsid shell, reaching nearly to the 5-fold axis of the neighboring pentamer. Thus, this extended N-terminus interconnected pentamers on the inside of the capsid shell, presumably promoting capsid assembly, a function performed by the ΦX174 external scaffolding protein. There were also key differences between the ΦX174-like DNA-binding J proteins and its ΦEC6098 homologue VP8. As seen with the J proteins, C-terminal VP8 residues were bound into a pocket within the major capsid protein; however, its N-terminal residues were disordered, likely due to flexibility. We show that the combined location and interaction of VP8's C-terminus and a portion of VP1's N-terminus are reminiscent of those seen with the ΦX174 and α3 J proteins. There is a dramatic structural and morphogenetic divide within the . The well-studied ΦX174-like viruses have prominent spikes at their icosahedral vertices, which are absent in gokushoviruses. Instead, gokushovirus major coat proteins form extensive mushroom-like protrusions at the 3-fold axes of symmetry. In addition, gokushoviruses lack an external scaffolding protein, the more critical of the two ΦX174 assembly proteins, but retain an internal scaffolding protein. The ΦEC6098 virion suggests that key external scaffolding functions are likely performed by coat protein domains unique to gokushoviruses. Thus, within one family, different assembly paths have been taken, demonstrating how a two-scaffolding protein system can evolve into a one-scaffolding protein system, or vice versa.
DepositionJun 21, 2022Deposition site: RCSB / Processing site: RCSB
Revision 1.0Oct 12, 2022Provider: repository / Type: Initial release
Revision 1.1Nov 2, 2022Group: Database references / Category: citation / citation_author
Item: _citation.page_first / _citation.page_last ..._citation.page_first / _citation.page_last / _citation.pdbx_database_id_DOI / _citation.pdbx_database_id_PubMed / _citation.title / _citation_author.identifier_ORCID
Revision 1.2Nov 23, 2022Group: Database references / Category: citation / Item: _citation.journal_volume
Revision 1.3Jun 12, 2024Group: Data collection / Category: chem_comp_atom / chem_comp_bond

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Deposited unit
A: Major capsid protein
E: Putative DNA binding protein

Theoretical massNumber of molelcules
Total (without water)68,1992
A: Major capsid protein
E: Putative DNA binding protein
x 60

Theoretical massNumber of molelcules
Total (without water)4,091,915120
TypeNameSymmetry operationNumber
identity operation1_555x,y,z1
point symmetry operation59


#1: Protein Major capsid protein

Mass: 63367.758 Da / Num. of mol.: 1
Source method: isolated from a genetically manipulated source
Source: (gene. exp.) Escherichia phage EC6098 (virus) / Gene: vp1 / Production host: Escherichia coli (E. coli) / References: UniProt: A0A6G9L6B3
#2: Protein/peptide Putative DNA binding protein

Mass: 4830.820 Da / Num. of mol.: 1
Source method: isolated from a genetically manipulated source
Source: (gene. exp.) Escherichia phage EC6098 (virus) / Gene: vp8 / Production host: Escherichia coli (E. coli) / References: UniProt: A0A6G9L8Z7

Experimental details


EM experimentAggregation state: PARTICLE / 3D reconstruction method: single particle reconstruction

Sample preparation

ComponentName: Escherichia phage EC6098 / Type: VIRUS / Entity ID: all / Source: RECOMBINANT
Source (natural)Organism: Escherichia phage EC6098 (virus)
Source (recombinant)Organism: Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Details of virusEmpty: NO / Enveloped: NO / Isolate: STRAIN / Type: VIRION
Buffer solutionpH: 7
SpecimenEmbedding applied: NO / Shadowing applied: NO / Staining applied: NO / Vitrification applied: YES
VitrificationCryogen name: ETHANE

Electron microscopy imaging

Experimental equipment
Model: Titan Krios / Image courtesy: FEI Company
MicroscopyModel: FEI TITAN KRIOS
Electron gunElectron source: FIELD EMISSION GUN / Accelerating voltage: 300 kV / Illumination mode: FLOOD BEAM
Electron lensMode: BRIGHT FIELD / Nominal defocus max: 3300 nm / Nominal defocus min: 500 nm
Image recordingElectron dose: 50 e/Å2 / Detector mode: INTEGRATING / Film or detector model: FEI FALCON III (4k x 4k)


3D reconstructionResolution: 2.6 Å / Resolution method: FSC 0.143 CUT-OFF / Num. of particles: 32308 / Symmetry type: POINT

About Yorodumi


Feb 9, 2022. New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

  • Version 3 of the EMDB header file is now the official format.
  • The previous official version 1.9 will be removed from the archive.

Related info.:EMDB header

External links:wwPDB to switch to version 3 of the EMDB data model

Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

Covid-19 info

URL: https://pdbj.org/emnavi/covid19.php

New page: Covid-19 featured information page in EM Navigator.

Related info.:Covid-19 info / Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Novel coronavirus structure data

Related info.:Yorodumi Speices / Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

External links:COVID-19 featured content - PDBj / Molecule of the Month (242):Coronavirus Proteases

Jan 31, 2019. EMDB accession codes are about to change! (news from PDBe EMDB page)

EMDB accession codes are about to change! (news from PDBe EMDB page)

  • The allocation of 4 digits for EMDB accession codes will soon come to an end. Whilst these codes will remain in use, new EMDB accession codes will include an additional digit and will expand incrementally as the available range of codes is exhausted. The current 4-digit format prefixed with “EMD-” (i.e. EMD-XXXX) will advance to a 5-digit format (i.e. EMD-XXXXX), and so on. It is currently estimated that the 4-digit codes will be depleted around Spring 2019, at which point the 5-digit format will come into force.
  • The EM Navigator/Yorodumi systems omit the EMD- prefix.

Related info.:Q: What is EMD? / ID/Accession-code notation in Yorodumi/EM Navigator

External links:EMDB Accession Codes are Changing Soon! / Contact to PDBj

Jul 12, 2017. Major update of PDB

Major update of PDB

  • wwPDB released updated PDB data conforming to the new PDBx/mmCIF dictionary.
  • This is a major update changing the version number from 4 to 5, and with Remediation, in which all the entries are updated.
  • In this update, many items about electron microscopy experimental information are reorganized (e.g. em_software).
  • Now, EM Navigator and Yorodumi are based on the updated data.

External links:wwPDB Remediation / Enriched Model Files Conforming to OneDep Data Standards Now Available in the PDB FTP Archive


Thousand views of thousand structures

  • Yorodumi is a browser for structure data from EMDB, PDB, SASBDB, etc.
  • This page is also the successor to EM Navigator detail page, and also detail information page/front-end page for Omokage search.
  • The word "yorodu" (or yorozu) is an old Japanese word meaning "ten thousand". "mi" (miru) is to see.

Related info.:EMDB / PDB / SASBDB / Comparison of 3 databanks / Yorodumi Search / Aug 31, 2016. New EM Navigator & Yorodumi / Yorodumi Papers / Jmol/JSmol / Function and homology information / Changes in new EM Navigator and Yorodumi

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