Basigin interactions / H+/K+-exchanging ATPase / Ion transport by P-type ATPases / P-type potassium:proton transporter activity / Na+/K+-exchanging ATPase / positive regulation of sodium ion export across plasma membrane / positive regulation of potassium ion import across plasma membrane / metal ion transport / P-type sodium:potassium-exchanging transporter activity / sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase complex ...Basigin interactions / H+/K+-exchanging ATPase / Ion transport by P-type ATPases / P-type potassium:proton transporter activity / Na+/K+-exchanging ATPase / positive regulation of sodium ion export across plasma membrane / positive regulation of potassium ion import across plasma membrane / metal ion transport / P-type sodium:potassium-exchanging transporter activity / sodium:potassium-exchanging ATPase complex / regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transport / membrane repolarization / regulation of pH / sodium ion export across plasma membrane / intracellular potassium ion homeostasis / potassium ion homeostasis / intracellular sodium ion homeostasis / regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by calcium ion signaling / response to metal ion / relaxation of cardiac muscle / Ion homeostasis / sodium ion transport / organelle membrane / potassium ion import across plasma membrane / monoatomic cation transmembrane transport / ATPase activator activity / blastocyst development / intercalated disc / lateral plasma membrane / sperm flagellum / ATP metabolic process / cardiac muscle contraction / T-tubule / sodium ion transmembrane transport / proton transmembrane transport / protein localization to plasma membrane / potassium ion transport / sarcolemma / caveola / : / intracellular calcium ion homeostasis / ATPase binding / protein-macromolecule adaptor activity / regulation of gene expression / basolateral plasma membrane / response to hypoxia / cell adhesion / protein stabilization / apical plasma membrane / protein heterodimerization activity / innate immune response / protein kinase binding / ATP hydrolysis activity / ATP binding / membrane / metal ion binding / plasma membrane 類似検索 - 分子機能
ジャーナル: Nat Commun / 年: 2022 タイトル: Structure and function of H/K pump mutants reveal Na/K pump mechanisms. 著者: Victoria C Young / Hanayo Nakanishi / Dylan J Meyer / Tomohiro Nishizawa / Atsunori Oshima / Pablo Artigas / Kazuhiro Abe / 要旨: Ion-transport mechanisms evolve by changing ion-selectivity, such as switching from Na to H selectivity in secondary-active transporters or P-type-ATPases. Here we study primary-active transport via ...Ion-transport mechanisms evolve by changing ion-selectivity, such as switching from Na to H selectivity in secondary-active transporters or P-type-ATPases. Here we study primary-active transport via P-type ATPases using functional and structural analyses to demonstrate that four simultaneous residue substitutions transform the non-gastric H/K pump, a strict H-dependent electroneutral P-type ATPase, into a bona fide Na-dependent electrogenic Na/K pump. Conversion of a H-dependent primary-active transporter into a Na-dependent one provides a prototype for similar studies of ion-transport proteins. Moreover, we solve the structures of the wild-type non-gastric H/K pump, a suitable drug target to treat cystic fibrosis, and of its Na/K pump-mimicking mutant in two major conformations, providing insight on how Na binding drives a concerted mechanism leading to Na/K pump phosphorylation.