温度: 310 K / 手法: 蒸気拡散法, シッティングドロップ法 / pH: 7 詳細: Prior to crystallization, the protein at concentration of 162 mg/ml (dissolved in 50 mM Tris pH 7.4 and 20 mM NaCl) was mixed with 100 mM ketoprofen in 100% DMSO in ratio 9:1 (final ...詳細: Prior to crystallization, the protein at concentration of 162 mg/ml (dissolved in 50 mM Tris pH 7.4 and 20 mM NaCl) was mixed with 100 mM ketoprofen in 100% DMSO in ratio 9:1 (final ketoprofen concentration 10 mM) and incubated for several hours at 37 oC. Then, 0.2 ul of the protein solution was mixed with 0.2 ul of the well condition (24% PEG 3350, 50 mM K2HPO4 at pH 7.0). The crystallization plate was incubated at RT for 3 months, then for several days at 37 oC, and after the growth of the first HSA crystals, the plate was transferred to RT.
解像度: 2.6→41.92 Å / Cor.coef. Fo:Fc: 0.941 / Cor.coef. Fo:Fc free: 0.905 / SU B: 25.679 / SU ML: 0.275 / 交差検証法: THROUGHOUT / σ(F): 0 / ESU R Free: 0.377 / 立体化学のターゲット値: MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD 詳細: The discrepancy in data completeness between the data processing and refinement statistics is caused by the strong anisotropy of diffraction U VALUES : WITH TLS ADDED HYDROGENS HAVE BEEN ...詳細: The discrepancy in data completeness between the data processing and refinement statistics is caused by the strong anisotropy of diffraction U VALUES : WITH TLS ADDED HYDROGENS HAVE BEEN ADDED IN THE RIDING POSITIONS
Selection details
4.9 %
80.25 %
イオンプローブ半径: 0.8 Å / 減衰半径: 0.8 Å / VDWプローブ半径: 1.2 Å / 溶媒モデル: MASK