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Structure paper

タイトルStructure of cytoplasmic ring of nuclear pore complex by integrative cryo-EM and AlphaFold.
ジャーナル・号・ページScience, Vol. 376, Issue 6598, Page eabm9326, Year 2022
著者Pietro Fontana / Ying Dong / Xiong Pi / Alexander B Tong / Corey W Hecksel / Longfei Wang / Tian-Min Fu / Carlos Bustamante / Hao Wu /
PubMed 要旨INTRODUCTION The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the molecular conduit in the nuclear membrane of eukaryotic cells that regulates import and export of biomolecules between the nucleus and the cytosol, ...INTRODUCTION The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the molecular conduit in the nuclear membrane of eukaryotic cells that regulates import and export of biomolecules between the nucleus and the cytosol, with vertebrate NPCs ~110 to 125 MDa in molecular mass and ~120 nm in diameter. NPCs are organized into four main rings: the cytoplasmic ring (CR) at the cytosolic side, the inner ring and the luminal ring on the plane of the nuclear membrane, and the nuclear ring facing the nucleus. Each ring possesses an approximate eightfold symmetry and is composed of multiple copies of different nucleoporins. NPCs have been implicated in numerous biological processes, and their dysfunctions are associated with a growing number of serious human diseases. However, despite pioneering studies from many groups over the past two decades, we still lack a full understanding of NPCs' organization, dynamics, and complexity. RATIONALE We used the oocyte as a model system for the structural characterization because each oocyte possesses a large number of NPC particles that can be visualized on native nuclear membranes without the aid of detergent extraction. We used single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) analysis on data collected at different stage tilt angles for three-dimensional reconstruction and structure prediction with AlphaFold for model building. RESULTS We reconstructed the CR map of NPC at 6.9 and 6.7 Å resolutions for the full CR protomer and a core region, respectively, and predicted the structures of the individual nucleoporins using AlphaFold because no high-resolution models of Nups were available. For any ambiguous subunit interactions, we also predicted complex structures, which further guided model fitting of the CR protomer. We placed the nucleoporin or complex structures into the CR density to obtain an almost full CR atomic model, composed of the inner and outer Y-complexes, two copies of Nup205, two copies of the Nup214-Nup88-Nup62 complex, one Nup155, and five copies of Nup358. In particular, we predicted the largest protein in the NPC, Nup358, as having an S-shaped globular domain, a coiled-coil domain, and a largely disordered C-terminal region containing phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeats previously shown to form a gel-like condensate phase for selective cargo passage. Four of the Nup358 copies clamp around the inner and outer Y-complexes to stabilize the CR, and the fifth Nup358 situates in the center of the cluster of clamps. AlphaFold also predicted a homo-oligomeric, likely specifically pentameric, coiled-coil structure of Nup358 that may provide the avidity for Nup358 recruitment to the NPC and for lowering the threshold for Nup358 condensation in NPC biogenesis. CONCLUSION Our studies offer an example of integrative cryo-EM and structure prediction as a general approach for attaining more precise models of megadalton protein complexes from medium-resolution density maps. The more accurate and almost complete model of the CR presented here expands our understanding of the molecular interactions in the NPC and represents a substantial step forward toward the molecular architecture of a full NPC, with implications for NPC function, biogenesis, and regulation. [Figure: see text].
リンクScience / PubMed:35679401 / PubMed Central
手法EM (単粒子)
解像度6.9 Å

EMDB-25817: Cryo-EM map of protomer of the cytoplasmic ring of the nuclear pore complex from Xenopus laevis
PDB-7tdz: Cryo-EM model of protomer of the cytoplasmic ring of the nuclear pore complex from Xenopus laevis
手法: EM (単粒子) / 解像度: 6.9 Å

  • xenopus laevis (アフリカツメガエル)
キーワードNUCLEAR PROTEIN / Nuclear pore complex



2022年2月9日: EMDBエントリの付随情報ファイルのフォーマットが新しくなりました


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2020年8月12日: 新型コロナ情報


URL: https://pdbjlvh1.pdbj.org/emnavi/covid19.php

新ページ: EM Navigatorに新型コロナウイルスの特設ページを開設しました。

関連情報:Covid-19情報 / 2020年3月5日: 新型コロナウイルスの構造データ

2020年3月5日: 新型コロナウイルスの構造データ


関連情報:万見生物種 / 2020年8月12日: 新型コロナ情報

外部リンク:COVID-19特集ページ - PDBj / 今月の分子2020年2月:コロナウイルスプロテーアーゼ

2019年1月31日: EMDBのIDの桁数の変更


  • EMDBエントリに付与されているアクセスコード(EMDB-ID)は4桁の数字(例、EMD-1234)でしたが、間もなく枯渇します。これまでの4桁のID番号は4桁のまま変更されませんが、4桁の数字を使い切った後に発行されるIDは5桁以上の数字(例、EMD-12345)になります。5桁のIDは2019年の春頃から発行される見通しです。
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関連情報:Q: 「EMD」とは何ですか? / 万見/EM NavigatorにおけるID/アクセスコードの表記

外部リンク:EMDB Accession Codes are Changing Soon! / PDBjへお問い合わせ

2017年7月12日: PDB大規模アップデート


  • 新バージョンのPDBx/mmCIF辞書形式に基づくデータがリリースされました。
  • 今回の更新はバージョン番号が4から5になる大規模なもので、全エントリデータの書き換えが行われる「Remediation」というアップデートに該当します。
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  • EM NavigatorとYorodumiでも、この改定に基づいた表示内容になります。

外部リンク:wwPDB Remediation / OneDepデータ基準に準拠した、より強化された内容のモデル構造ファイルが、PDBアーカイブで公開されました。



  • EMDB/PDB/SASBDBのエントリから引用されている文献のデータベースです
  • Pubmedのデータを利用しています

関連情報:EMDB / PDB / SASBDB / 万見 (Yorodumi) / EMN文献 / 新しいEM Navigatorと万見の変更点
