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- Database of articles cited by EMDB/PDB/SASBDB data -

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Structure methods

Structure paper

TitleCryoEM and molecular dynamics of the circadian KaiB-KaiC complex indicates that KaiB monomers interact with KaiC and block ATP binding clefts.
Journal, issue, pagesJ Mol Biol, Vol. 425, Issue 18, Page 3311-3324, Year 2013
Publish dateSep 23, 2013
AuthorsSeth A Villarreal / Rekha Pattanayek / Dewight R Williams / Tetsuya Mori / Ximing Qin / Carl H Johnson / Martin Egli / Phoebe L Stewart /
PubMed AbstractThe circadian control of cellular processes in cyanobacteria is regulated by a posttranslational oscillator formed by three Kai proteins. During the oscillator cycle, KaiA serves to promote ...The circadian control of cellular processes in cyanobacteria is regulated by a posttranslational oscillator formed by three Kai proteins. During the oscillator cycle, KaiA serves to promote autophosphorylation of KaiC while KaiB counteracts this effect. Here, we present a crystallographic structure of the wild-type Synechococcus elongatus KaiB and a cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) structure of a KaiBC complex. The crystal structure shows the expected dimer core structure and significant conformational variations of the KaiB C-terminal region, which is functionally important in maintaining rhythmicity. The KaiBC sample was formed with a C-terminally truncated form of KaiC, KaiC-Δ489, which is persistently phosphorylated. The KaiB-KaiC-Δ489 structure reveals that the KaiC hexamer can bind six monomers of KaiB, which form a continuous ring of density in the KaiBC complex. We performed cryoEM-guided molecular dynamics flexible fitting simulations with crystal structures of KaiB and KaiC to probe the KaiBC protein-protein interface. This analysis indicated a favorable binding mode for the KaiB monomer on the CII end of KaiC, involving two adjacent KaiC subunits and spanning an ATP binding cleft. A KaiC mutation, R468C, which has been shown to affect the affinity of KaiB for KaiC and lengthen the period in a bioluminescence rhythm assay, is found within the middle of the predicted KaiBC interface. The proposed KaiB binding mode blocks access to the ATP binding cleft in the CII ring of KaiC, which provides insight into how KaiB might influence the phosphorylation status of KaiC.
External linksJ Mol Biol / PubMed:23796516 / PubMed Central
MethodsEM (single particle) / X-ray diffraction
Resolution2.622 - 16.0 Å
Structure data

CryoEM Structure of the KaiBC Complex
Method: EM (single particle) / Resolution: 16.0 Å

Crystal Structure of Circadian clock protein KaiB from S.Elongatus
Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION / Resolution: 2.622 Å



  • synechococcus elongatus (bacteria)

About Yorodumi Papers


Feb 9, 2022. New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

  • Version 3 of the EMDB header file is now the official format.
  • The previous official version 1.9 will be removed from the archive.

Related info.:EMDB header

External links:wwPDB to switch to version 3 of the EMDB data model

Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

Covid-19 info

URL: https://pdbj.org/emnavi/covid19.php

New page: Covid-19 featured information page in EM Navigator.

Related info.:Covid-19 info / Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Novel coronavirus structure data

Related info.:Yorodumi Speices / Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

External links:COVID-19 featured content - PDBj / Molecule of the Month (242):Coronavirus Proteases

Jan 31, 2019. EMDB accession codes are about to change! (news from PDBe EMDB page)

EMDB accession codes are about to change! (news from PDBe EMDB page)

  • The allocation of 4 digits for EMDB accession codes will soon come to an end. Whilst these codes will remain in use, new EMDB accession codes will include an additional digit and will expand incrementally as the available range of codes is exhausted. The current 4-digit format prefixed with “EMD-” (i.e. EMD-XXXX) will advance to a 5-digit format (i.e. EMD-XXXXX), and so on. It is currently estimated that the 4-digit codes will be depleted around Spring 2019, at which point the 5-digit format will come into force.
  • The EM Navigator/Yorodumi systems omit the EMD- prefix.

Related info.:Q: What is EMD? / ID/Accession-code notation in Yorodumi/EM Navigator

External links:EMDB Accession Codes are Changing Soon! / Contact to PDBj

Jul 12, 2017. Major update of PDB

Major update of PDB

  • wwPDB released updated PDB data conforming to the new PDBx/mmCIF dictionary.
  • This is a major update changing the version number from 4 to 5, and with Remediation, in which all the entries are updated.
  • In this update, many items about electron microscopy experimental information are reorganized (e.g. em_software).
  • Now, EM Navigator and Yorodumi are based on the updated data.

External links:wwPDB Remediation / Enriched Model Files Conforming to OneDep Data Standards Now Available in the PDB FTP Archive

Yorodumi Papers

Database of articles cited by EMDB/PDB/SASBDB data

  • Database of articles cited by EMDB, PDB, and SASBDB entries
  • Using PubMed data

Related info.:EMDB / PDB / SASBDB / Yorodumi / EMN Papers / Changes in new EM Navigator and Yorodumi

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