A: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein B: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein C: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein D: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein E: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein F: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein G: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein H: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein I: RNA (77-MER) J: RNA (77-MER)
G: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein I: RNA (77-MER)
G: N-acetyltransferase domain-containing protein I: RNA (77-MER)
根拠: gel filtration, We confirmed the protein dimer formation by gel-filtration., native gel electrophoresis, The RNA molecule is a known substrate for the protein enzyme. Also, we observed ...根拠: gel filtration, We confirmed the protein dimer formation by gel-filtration., native gel electrophoresis, The RNA molecule is a known substrate for the protein enzyme. Also, we observed binding of the protein to the RNA by electrophoretic mobility shift assay.