手法: molecular dynamics, simulated annealing, MD, SA / ソフトェア番号: 1 詳細: 10000 steps @ 10000K, time step = 0.003fs, 10000K -> 1000 K in 5000 steps (first stage); 1000 K -> 50K in 4000 steps (second stage). Final 25 structures refined in Aria water box.
NMR constraints
NOE constraints total: 3632 / NOE intraresidue total count: 932 / NOE long range total count: 995 / NOE medium range total count: 1014 / NOE sequential total count: 691 / Hydrogen bond constraints total count: 34 / Protein chi angle constraints total count: 0 / Protein other angle constraints total count: 0 / Protein phi angle constraints total count: 89 / Protein psi angle constraints total count: 89
選択基準: lowest energy
Average torsion angle constraint violation: 2.909 ° コンフォーマー選択の基準: structures with the lowest energy 計算したコンフォーマーの数: 100 / 登録したコンフォーマーの数: 25 / Maximum torsion angle constraint violation: 12 ° / Torsion angle constraint violation method: CNS/ARIA