Journal: J Struct Biol / Year: 2023 Title: Correlating cryo-super resolution radial fluctuations and dual-axis cryo-scanning transmission electron tomography to bridge the light-electron resolution gap. Authors: Peter Kirchweger / Debakshi Mullick / Prabhu Prasad Swain / Sharon G Wolf / Michael Elbaum / Abstract: Visualization of organelles and their interactions with other features in the native cell remains a challenge in modern biology. We have introduced cryo-scanning transmission electron tomography ...Visualization of organelles and their interactions with other features in the native cell remains a challenge in modern biology. We have introduced cryo-scanning transmission electron tomography (CSTET), which can access 3D volumes on the scale of 1 micron with a resolution of nanometers, making it ideal for this task. Here we introduce two relevant advances: (a) we demonstrate the utility of multi-color super-resolution radial fluctuation light microscopy under cryogenic conditions (cryo-SRRF), and (b) we extend the use of deconvolution processing for dual-axis CSTET data. We show that cryo-SRRF nanoscopy is able to reach resolutions in the range of 100 nm, using commonly available fluorophores and a conventional widefield microscope for cryo-correlative light-electron microscopy. Such resolution aids in precisely identifying regions of interest before tomographic acquisition and enhances precision in localizing features of interest within the 3D reconstruction. Dual-axis CSTET tilt series data and application of entropy regularized deconvolution during post-processing results in close-to-isotropic resolution in the reconstruction without averaging. The integration of cryo-SRRF with deconvolved dual-axis CSTET provides a versatile workflow for studying unique objects in a cell.
In the structure databanks used in Yorodumi, some data are registered as the other names, "COVID-19 virus" and "2019-nCoV". Here are the details of the virus and the list of structure data.
Jan 31, 2019. EMDB accession codes are about to change! (news from PDBe EMDB page)
EMDB accession codes are about to change! (news from PDBe EMDB page)
The allocation of 4 digits for EMDB accession codes will soon come to an end. Whilst these codes will remain in use, new EMDB accession codes will include an additional digit and will expand incrementally as the available range of codes is exhausted. The current 4-digit format prefixed with “EMD-” (i.e. EMD-XXXX) will advance to a 5-digit format (i.e. EMD-XXXXX), and so on. It is currently estimated that the 4-digit codes will be depleted around Spring 2019, at which point the 5-digit format will come into force.
The EM Navigator/Yorodumi systems omit the EMD- prefix.
Related info.:Q: What is EMD? / ID/Accession-code notation in Yorodumi/EM Navigator
Yorodumi is a browser for structure data from EMDB, PDB, SASBDB, etc.
This page is also the successor to EM Navigator detail page, and also detail information page/front-end page for Omokage search.
The word "yorodu" (or yorozu) is an old Japanese word meaning "ten thousand". "mi" (miru) is to see.
Related info.:EMDB / PDB / SASBDB / Comparison of 3 databanks / Yorodumi Search / Aug 31, 2016. New EM Navigator & Yorodumi / Yorodumi Papers / Jmol/JSmol / Function and homology information / Changes in new EM Navigator and Yorodumi