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Yorodumi Search

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Showing 1 - 50 of 124 items for (author: eric & richard)

Cryo-EM structure of the bacterial replication origin opening basal unwinding system
Method: single particle / : Pelliciari S, Bodet-Lefevre S, Murray H, Ilangovan A

Cryo-EM structure of the bacterial replication origin opening basal unwinding system
Method: single particle / : Pelliciari S, Bodet-Lefevre S, Murray H, Ilangovan A

Chimeric Adenovirus-derived dodecamer
Method: single particle / : Buzas D, Borucu U, Bufton J, Kapadalakere SY, Toelzer C

Chimeric Adenovirus-derived dodecamer
Method: single particle / : Buzas D, Borucu U, Bufton J, Kapadalakere SY, Toelzer C

Cryo-EM structure of Cryptococcus neoformans trehalose-6-phosphate synthase homotetramer in complex with uridine diphosphate and glucose-6-phosphate
Method: single particle / : Washington EJ, Brennan RG

Cryo-EM structure of Cryptococcus neoformans trehalose-6-phosphate synthase homotetramer in complex with uridine diphosphate and glucose-6-phosphate
Method: single particle / : Washington EJ, Brennan RG

SARS CoV Spike protein, Closed C3 conformation
Method: single particle / : Toelzer C, Gupta K, Yadav SKN, Buzas D, Borucu U, Schaffitzel C, Berger I

SARS CoV Spike protein, Closed C1 conformation
Method: single particle / : Toelzer C, Gupta K, Yadav SKN, Buzas D, Borucu U, Schaffitzel C, Berger I

SARS CoV Spike protein, Open conformation
Method: single particle / : Toelzer C, Gupta K, Yadav SKN, Buzas D, Borucu U, Schaffitzel C, Berger I

SARS CoV Spike protein, Closed C3 conformation
Method: single particle / : Toelzer C, Gupta K, Yadav SKN, Buzas D, Borucu U, Schaffitzel C, Berger I

SARS CoV Spike protein, Closed C1 conformation
Method: single particle / : Toelzer C, Gupta K, Yadav SKN, Buzas D, Borucu U, Schaffitzel C, Berger I

SARS CoV Spike protein, Open conformation
Method: single particle / : Toelzer C, Gupta K, Yadav SKN, Buzas D, Borucu U, Schaffitzel C, Berger I

Structure of the Inmazeb cocktail and resistance to escape against Ebola virus
Method: single particle / : Rayaprolu V, Fulton B, Rafique A, Arturo E, Williams D, Hariharan C, Callaway H, Parvate A, Schendel SL, Parekh D, Hui S, Shaffer K, Pascal KE, Wloga E, Giordano S, Copin R, Franklin M, Boytz RM, Donahue C, Davey R, Baum A, Kyratsous CA, Saphire EO

Structure of the Inmazeb cocktail and resistance to escape against Ebola virus
Method: single particle / : Rayaprolu V, Fulton B, Rafique A, Arturo E, Williams D, Hariharan C, Callaway H, Parvate A, Schendel SL, Parekh D, Hui S, Shaffer K, Pascal KE, Wloga E, Giordano S, Copin R, Franklin M, Boytz RM, Donahue C, Davey R, Baum A, Kyratsous CA, Saphire EO

Cryo-EM structure of human METTL1-WDR4-tRNA(Phe) complex
Method: single particle / : Li J, Wang L, Fontana P, Hunkeler M, Roy-Burman SS, Wu H, Fishcer ES, Gregory RI

Cryo-EM structure of human METTL1-WDR4-tRNA(Val) complex
Method: single particle / : Li J, Wang L, Fontana P, Hunkeler M, Roy-Burman SS, Wu H, Fischer ES, Gregory RI

Cryo-EM structure of human METTL1-WDR4-tRNA(Phe) complex
Method: single particle / : Li J, Wang L, Fontana P, Hunkeler M, Roy-Burman SS, Wu H, Fishcer ES, Gregory RI

Cryo-EM structure of human METTL1-WDR4-tRNA(Val) complex
Method: single particle / : Li J, Wang L, Fontana P, Hunkeler M, Roy-Burman SS, Wu H, Fischer ES, Gregory RI

Pseudomonas phage E217 small terminase (TerS)
Method: single particle / : Lokareddy RK, Hou CFD, Doll SG, Li F, Gillilan R, Forti F, Briani F, Cingolani G

Pseudomonas phage E217 small terminase (TerS)
Method: single particle / : Lokareddy RK, Hou CFD, Doll SG, Li F, Gillilan R, Forti F, Briani F, Cingolani G

P. chlororaphis 70S ribosome in situ subtomogram average
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of the 201phi2-1 phage nucleus major shell protein, chimallin (concave class)
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ consensus subtomogram average of the 201phi2-1 chimallin
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of 201phi2-1 phage nucleus major shell protein, chimallin (intermediate/flat class)
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of the 201phi2-1 phage nucleus major shell protein, chimallin (convex class)
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of the Goslar major phage nucleus shell protein, chimallin (consensus class)
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of Goslar phage nucleus major shell protein, chimallin (concave class)
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of the major Goslar phage nucleus shell protein, chimallin (convex class)
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of the APEC2248 70S ribosome
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

In situ subtomogram average of the APEC2248 50S ribosome
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

201Phi2-1 Chimallin Cubic (O, 24mer) assembly
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A

201phi2-1 Chimallin localized tetramer reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A

201phi2-1 Chimallin C1 localized reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

201phi2-1 chimallin rectangular (D4,40mer) assembly
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

Goslar chimallin cubic (O, 24mer) assembly
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

Goslar chimallin C4 tetramer localized reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

Goslar chimallin C1 localized reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

201Phi2-1 Chimallin Cubic (O, 24mer) assembly
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

201phi2-1 Chimallin localized tetramer reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

201phi2-1 Chimallin C1 localized reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

Goslar chimallin cubic (O, 24mer) assembly
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

Goslar chimallin C4 tetramer localized reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

Goslar chimallin C1 localized reconstruction
Method: single particle / : Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E

Porphyromonas gingivalis type IX secretion system
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Hu B

T9SS cytoplasmic complex
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Hu B

T9SS pores
Method: subtomogram averaging / : Hu B

Trimeric human Arginase 1 in complex with mAb1 - 2 hArg:3 mAb1 complex
Method: single particle / : Gomez-Llorente Y, Scapin G, Palte RL

Trimeric human Arginase 1 in complex with mAb5
Method: single particle / : Gomez-Llorente Y, Scapin G, Palte RL

Trimeric human Arginase 1 in complex with mAb1 - 2 hArg:2 mAb1 complex
Method: single particle / : Gomez-Llorente Y, Scapin G, Palte RL

Trimeric human Arginase 1 in complex with mAb2
Method: single particle / : Gomez-Llorente Y, Scapin G, Palte RL


About EMN search


Feb 9, 2022. New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

  • Version 3 of the EMDB header file is now the official format.
  • The previous official version 1.9 will be removed from the archive.

Related info.:EMDB header

External links:wwPDB to switch to version 3 of the EMDB data model

Oct 5, 2021. Nobel Prize for mechanically activated and temperature-gated ion channels

Nobel Prize for mechanically activated and temperature-gated ion channels

  • The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021 was awarded jointly to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian "for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch."
  • EM Navigator can help to find cryo-EM structure data by both pioneers.

External links:The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021 - NobelPrize.org / Structure data by Ardem Patapoutian / Structure data by David Julius

Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

Covid-19 info

URL: https://pdbjlvh1.pdbj.org/emnavi/covid19.php

New page: Covid-19 featured information page in EM Navigator.

Related info.:Covid-19 info / Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Novel coronavirus structure data

Related info.:Yorodumi Speices / Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

External links:COVID-19 featured content - PDBj / Molecule of the Month (242):Coronavirus Proteases

Jul 5, 2019. Downlodablable text data

Downlodablable text data

Some data of EM Navigator services can be downloaded as text file. Software such as Excel can load the data files.

EMN Searchsearch resultCSV, TSV, or JSON
EMN statisticsdata tableCSV or TSV

Related info.:EMN Search / EMN Statistics

EMN Search

3DEM data search

Advanced data search for EMDB and EM data in PDB widh various search and display options

Related info.:EMDB / PDB / EM Navigator / Q: What are the data sources of EM Navigator? / Yorodumi Search / Jul 5, 2019. Downlodablable text data

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