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Yorodumi Search

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Showing 1 - 50 of 62 items for (author: dimaio, & f.)

Umb1 umbrella toxin particle
Method: single particle / : Park YJ, Zhao Q, Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID), DiMaio F, Mougous JD, Veesler D

Umb1 umbrella toxin particle (local refinement of UmbB1 bound ALF of UmbC1 and UmbA1)
Method: single particle / : Park YJ, Zhao Q, Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID), DiMaio F, Mougous JD, Veesler D

DpHF7 filament
Method: helical / : Lynch EM, Farrell D, Shen H, Kollman JM, DiMaio F, Baker D

Cryo-EM structure of a HOPS core complex containing Vps33, Vps16, and Vps18
Method: single particle / : Port SA, Farrell PD, Jeffrey PD, DiMaio F, Hughson FM

Cryo-EM structure of full-length MAP7 bound to the microtubule
Method: single particle / : Ferro LS, Fang Q, Eshun-Wilson L, Fernandes J, Jack A, Farrell DP, Golcuk M, Huijben T, Costa K, Gur M, DiMaio F, Nogales E, Yildiz A

Seipin forms a flexible cage at lipid droplet formation sites
Method: single particle / : Arlt H, Sui X, Folger B, Adams C, Chen X, Remme R, Hamprecht FA, DiMaio F, Liao M, Goodman JM, Farese Jr RV, Walther TC

Yeast CTP Synthase (URA8) tetramer bound to ATP/UTP at neutral pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (URA8) Filament bound to ATP/UTP at low pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (URA8) filament bound to CTP at low pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (Ura7) filament bound to CTP at low pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Substrate-bound Ura7 filament at low pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (Ura7) Bundle bound to substrates at low pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (Ura7) Bundle bound to Products at low pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (Ura7) H360R Filament bound to Substrates
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (Ura7) H360R Filament bound to Substrates
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Yeast CTP Synthase (Ura8) Bundle Bound to Substrates at Low pH
Method: single particle / : Hansen JM, Lynch EM, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Quispe J, Kollman JM

Structure of Human Potassium Chloride Transporter KCC3 S45D/T940D/T997D in NaCl (Reference Map)
Method: single particle / : Chi G, Man H, Ebenhoch R, Reggiano G, Pike ACW, Wang D, McKinley G, Mukhopadhyay SMM, MacLean EM, Chalk R, Moreau C, Snee M, Bohstedt T, Singh NK, Abrusci P, Arrowsmith CH, Bountra C, Edwards AM, Marsden BD, Burgess-Brown NA, DiMaio F, Duerr KL, Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC)

Structure of Human Potassium Chloride Transporter KCC3 S45D/T940D/T997D in NaCl (Subclass)
Method: single particle / : Chi G, Man H, Ebenhoch R, Reggiano G, Pike ACW, Wang D, McKinley G, Mukhopadhyay SMM, MacLean EM, Chalk R, Moreau C, Snee M, Bohstedt T, Singh NK, Abrusci P, Arrowsmith CH, Bountra C, Edwards AM, Marsden BD, Burgess-Brown NA, DiMaio F, Duerr KL, Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC)

Amyloid beta oligomer displayed on the alpha hemolysin scaffold
Method: single particle / : Wu J, Blum TB, Farrell DP, DiMaio F, Abrahams JP, Luo J

Cryo-EM structure of the BRCA1-UbcH5c/BARD1 E3-E2 module bound to a nucleosome
Method: single particle / : Witus SR, Burrell AL, Hansen JM, Farrell DP, Dimaio F, Kollman JM, Klevit RE

Cryo-EM structure of a de novo designed 16-helix transmembrane nanopore, TMHC8_R.
Method: single particle / : Johnson MJ, Reggiano G, Xu C, Lu P, Hsia Y, Brunette TJ, DiMaio F, Baker D, Kollman J

Structure of Human Potassium Chloride Transporter KCC3b (S45D/T940D/T997D) in KCl
Method: single particle / : Chi G, Man H, Ebenhoch R, Reggiano G, Pike ACW, Wang D, McKinley G, Mukhopadhyay SMM, MacLean EM, Chalk R, Moreau C, Snee M, Bohstedt T, Singh NK, Abrusci P, Arrowsmith CH, Bountra C, Edwards AM, Marsden BD, Burgess-Brown NA, DiMaio F, Duerr KL

A de novo designed transmembrane nanopore, TMH4C4
Method: single particle / : Lu P, Xu C, Reggiano G, Xu Q, DiMaio F, Baker D

Structure of bacterial flagellar capping protein FliD
Method: single particle / : Al-Otaibi NS, Farrell D, DiMaio F, Bergeron JRC

Structure of Human Potassium Chloride Transporter KCC3 S45D/T940D/T997D in NaCl
Method: single particle / : Chi G, Man H, Ebenhoch R, Reggiano G, Pike ACW, Wang D, McKinley G, Mukhopadhyay SMM, MacLean B, Chalk R, Moreau C, Snee M, Bohstedt T, Singh NK, Abrusci P, Arrowsmith CH, Bountra C, Edwards AM, Marsden BD, Burgess-Brown NA, DiMaio F, Duerr KL, Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC)

MERS-CoV S structure in complex with 5-N-acetyl neuraminic acid
Method: single particle / : Park YJ, Walls AC, Wang Z, Sauer M, Li W, Tortorici MA, Bosch BJ, DiMaio FD, Veesler D, Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID)

MERS-CoV S structure in complex with sialyl-lewisX
Method: single particle / : Park YJ, Walls AC, Wang Z, Sauer M, Li W, Tortorici MA, Bosch BJ, DiMaio FD, Veesler D, Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID)

MERS-CoV S structure in complex with 2,3-sialyl-N-acetyl-lactosamine
Method: single particle / : Park YJ, Walls AC, Wang Z, Sauer M, Li W, Tortorici MA, Bosch BJ, DiMaio FD, Veesler D, Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID)

MERS-CoV S structure in complex with 2,6-sialyl-N-acetyl-lactosamine
Method: single particle / : Park YJ, Walls AC, Wang Z, Sauer M, Li W, Tortorici MA, Bosch BJ, DiMaio FD, Veesler D, Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID)

Structure of the hyperactive ClpB mutant K476C, bound to casein, pre-state
Method: single particle / : Rizo AR, Lin JB, Gates SN, Tse E, Bart SM, Castellano LM, Dimaio F, Shorter J, Southworth DR

Structure of the hyperactive ClpB mutant K476C, bound to casein, post-state
Method: single particle / : Rizo AR, Lin JB, Gates SN, Tse E, Bart SM, Castellano LM, Dimaio F, Shorter J, Southworth DR

Focus classification structure of the hyperactive ClpB mutant K476C, bound to casein, pre-state
Method: single particle / : Rizo AR, Lin JB, Gates SN, Tse E, Bart SM, Castellano LM, Dimaio F, Shorter J, Southworth DR

Focus classification structure of the hyperactive ClpB mutant K476C, bound to casein, post-state
Method: single particle / : Rizo AR, Lin JB, Gates SN, Tse E, Bart SM, Castellano LM, Dimaio F, Shorter J, Southworth DR

Focus classification structure of the hyperactive ClpB mutant K476C, bound to casein, NTD-trimer
Method: single particle / : Rizo AR, Lin JB, Gates SN, Tse E, Bart SM, Castellano LM, Dimaio F, Shorter J, Southworth DR

Full-length S. pombe Mdn1 in the presence of AMPPNP (ring region)
Method: single particle / : Chen Z, Suzuki H, Wang AC, DiMaio F, Walz T, Kapoor TM

Full-length S. pombe Mdn1 in the presence of AMPPNP (tail region)
Method: single particle / : Chen Z, Suzuki H, Wang AC, DiMaio F, Walz T, Kapoor TM

Full-length S. pombe Mdn1 in the presence of ATP and Rbin-1
Method: single particle / : Chen Z, Suzuki H, Wang AC, DiMaio F, Walz T, Kapoor TM

Structure of the type VI secretion system TssK-TssF-TssG baseplate subcomplex revealed by cryo-electron microscopy - full map sharpened
Method: single particle / : Park YJ, Lacourse KD, Cambillau C, Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID), DiMaio F, Mougous JD, Veesler D

Germline VRC01 antibody recognition of a modified clade C HIV-1 envelope trimer, 3 Fabs bound, sharpened map
Method: single particle / : Borst AJ, Weidle CE, Gray MD, Frenz B, Snijder J, Joyce MG, Georgiev IS, Stewart-Jones GBE, Kwong PD, McGuire AT, DiMaio F, Stamatatos L, Pancera M, Veesler D

Germline VRC01 antibody recognition of a modified clade C HIV-1 envelope trimer, 2 Fabs bound, sharpened map
Method: single particle / : Borst AJ, Weidle CE, Gray MD, Frenz B, Snijder J, Joyce MG, Georgiev IS, Stewart-Jones GBE, Kwong PD, McGuire AT, DiMaio F, Stamatatos L, Pancera M, Veesler D

Method: single particle / : Cianfrocco MA, Lahiri I, DiMaio F, Leschziner AE

AlfA Filament bound to AMPPNP
Method: helical / : Usluer GD, Kollman JM, DiMaio F

The Therapeutic Antibody LM609 Selectively Inhibits Ligand Binding to Human alpha-V beta-3 Integrin via Steric Hindrance
Method: single particle / : Borst AJ, James ZN, Zagotta WN, Ginsberg M, Rey FA, DiMaio F, Backovic M, Veesler D

Human alpha-V beta-3 Integrin (intermediate conformation) in complex with the therapeutic antibody LM609
Method: single particle / : Borst AJ, James ZN, Zagotta WN, Ginsberg M, Rey FA, DiMaio F, Backovic M, Veesler D

Human alpha-V beta-3 Integrin (open conformation) in complex with the therapeutic antibody LM609
Method: single particle / : Borst AJ, James ZN, Zagotta WN, Ginsberg M, Rey FA, DiMaio F, Backovic M, Veesler D

Cryo-EM structure of the MAL TIR domain filament
Method: helical / : Ve T, Vajjhala PR, Hedger A, Croll T, DiMaio F, Horsefield S, Yu X, Lavrencic P, Hassan Z, Morgan GP, Mansell A, Mobli M, O'Carrol A, Chauvin B, Gambin Y, Sierecki E, Landsberg MJ, Stacey KJ, Egelman EH, Kobe B

An envelope of a filamentous hyperthermophilic virus carries lipids in a horseshoe conformation
Method: helical / : Kasson P, DiMaio F, Yu X, Lucas-Staat S, Krupovic M, Schouten S, Prangishvili D, Egelman E

CryoEM Structure of a Prokaryotic Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channel
Method: single particle / : James ZM, Borst AJ, Haitin Y, Frenz B, DiMaio F, Zagotta WN, Veesler D

Glycan shield and epitope masking of a coronavirus spike protein observed by cryo-electron microscopy
Method: single particle / : Walls AC, Tortorici MA, Frenz B, Snijder J, Li W, Rey FA, DiMaio F, Bosch BJ, Veesler D

Cryo-electron microscopy structure of a coronavirus spike glycoprotein trimer
Method: single particle / : Walls AC, Tortorici MA, Bosch BJ, Frenz B, Rottier PJM, DiMaio F, Rey FA, Veesler D


About EMN search


Feb 9, 2022. New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

New format data for meta-information of EMDB entries

  • Version 3 of the EMDB header file is now the official format.
  • The previous official version 1.9 will be removed from the archive.

Related info.:EMDB header

External links:wwPDB to switch to version 3 of the EMDB data model

Oct 5, 2021. Nobel Prize for mechanically activated and temperature-gated ion channels

Nobel Prize for mechanically activated and temperature-gated ion channels

  • The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021 was awarded jointly to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian "for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch."
  • EM Navigator can help to find cryo-EM structure data by both pioneers.

External links:The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2021 - NobelPrize.org / Structure data by Ardem Patapoutian / Structure data by David Julius

Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

Covid-19 info

URL: https://pdbjlvh1.pdbj.org/emnavi/covid19.php

New page: Covid-19 featured information page in EM Navigator.

Related info.:Covid-19 info / Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Mar 5, 2020. Novel coronavirus structure data

Novel coronavirus structure data

Related info.:Yorodumi Speices / Aug 12, 2020. Covid-19 info

External links:COVID-19 featured content - PDBj / Molecule of the Month (242):Coronavirus Proteases

Jul 5, 2019. Downlodablable text data

Downlodablable text data

Some data of EM Navigator services can be downloaded as text file. Software such as Excel can load the data files.

EMN Searchsearch resultCSV, TSV, or JSON
EMN statisticsdata tableCSV or TSV

Related info.:EMN Search / EMN Statistics

EMN Search

3DEM data search

Advanced data search for EMDB and EM data in PDB widh various search and display options

Related info.:EMDB / PDB / EM Navigator / Q: What are the data sources of EM Navigator? / Yorodumi Search / Jul 5, 2019. Downlodablable text data

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